Think Hillary remembers those who betrayed her? Oh, you betcha !!! So the GOP is not the only political party having probs, and the Socialist/Democrat's problem far exceed those of the Grand Old Party.

<<<  This is how meaningful a liberals name calling can be:  "They" called her a bigot and a racist,  back in the campaign of '08   . . . .  her own kind.  They forgot to call her "one tough hombre when doubled crossed."    
The full article at Politico is most interesting.  Click on the link below.  The following names,  except for the drunk,  Ted Kennedy,  are a part of the Whose Who within the New Socialist Wing of the Democrat Party.  You have heard it said,  "Its not nice to fool Mother Nature?"  Well,  add to that,  another Mother,  and you have a very interesting "coming attraction." 

Former Sen. John Kerry
“Barack Obama can be, will be and should be the next president of the United States. … Who better than Barack Obama to bring new credibility to America’s role in the world and help restore our moral authority?” (Jan. 10, 2008)
Sen. Ted Kennedy
“I believe there is one candidate who has extraordinary gifts of leadership and character matched to the extraordinary demands of this moment in history. … I’m proud to stand with him here today and offer my help, offer my voice, offer my energy, my commitment to make Barack Obama the next president of the United States.” (July 28, 2008)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller
“Barack Obama is the most qualified person—Democrat or Republican—to lead our country in the face of enormous challenges—the very real threat of terrorism, economic uncertainty and instability at home and abroad.” (Feb. 29, 2008)
Sen. Claire McCaskill
“This is a man who has incredible intellectual heft … who is not afraid to figure out a new and different way to tackle problems … Only once in a generation does a leader come along that has that particular gift. … Barack Obama is, I believe, right for the country this time.” (Jan. 13, 2008)
Sen. Bob Casey
“This campaign is a chance for America, a chance for America to chart a new course …  I believe in my heart that there’s one person who's uniquely qualified to lead us in that new direction, and that is Barack Obama.” (March 28, 2008)
Sen. Patrick Leahy
“We need a president who can reintroduce America to the world and actually reintroduce America to ourselves … I believe Barack Obama is the best person to do that.” (Jan. 17, 2008)
Rep. Chris Van Hollen
“I enthusiastically support Senator Obama. He will be our nominee, and now it's very important that we all unite behind his candidacy. He has energized millions of new voters, and if we can sustain that momentum by coming together, he will be the next president of the United States.” (June 4, 2008)
Former Rep. Baron Hill
“If we are going to develop real solutions for Hoosier families, for America's families, we have to move past the partisan gridlock. I believe both Senator Clinton and Senator Obama want to do that and I believe both are formidable candidates. But, I also believe that only one of them truly can. … I have decided to support Senator Obama.” (April 30, 2008)
Rep. Rob Andrews

Read more:


  1. Lot's of stories about Hillary's temper - a real bitch of a woman. She could be worse than Obama every thought about being.

  2. Its not the "stories," but issues that need to be debated. I personally do not care if Hillary is hard to get along with or not. Where would she take this country is the question. And that will be debated in the coming months and years. I know that when in college, she came to disapprove of Saul Alinsky's domestic/revolutionary tactics. Is that where she is today? Obama uses the Alinsky play book (Rules for Radicals) to a fault. The proper use of deceit in the accomplishment/pursuit of desired goals by ANY means, is the subject of Alinsky's first substantive essay in the book, following his preface or introduction. Obama read that chapter as permission to lie about any and all things, Is Hillary of this mind-set? Time will tell, but, in the mean time, name calling as an issue, is what the Libs do best. Let's leave that sort of crap to them.
