Obama sees "al Qaeda" as insignificant and unworthy as an evil force in an otherwise peaceful world. But is that really the case?

In a wide-ranging interview with the New Yorker, President Barack Obama compared Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Iraq and Syria to junior varsity basketball players, downplaying their threat as small-league. He also shared what he thought were the chances of reaching Middle East peace agreements.

New Yorker editor David Remnick pointed out to the president that the Al Qaeda flag is now seen flying in Falluja in Iraq and in certain locations in Syria, and thus the terrorist group has not been “decimated” as Obama had said during his 2012 reelection campaign.

“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama told Remnick. “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

Remnick characterized Obama’s analogy as “uncharacteristically flip.”  

(Source: the above text is an excerpt from The Blaze,  but the story,  itself,  is taken from an interview with the New Yorker). 

Editor’s notes:  Let’s get this right.  The Murdering Muslim Hordes running loose and free all over Africa and the Middle East, are of no major consequence?  Is that what “JV” means to Obama and his political and never ending campaign?  If you understand that "al Qaeda" is a term that includes all of the radicalized,  murdering,  Shira minded Muslim population,  then you can begin to understand just how bad things have gotten,  with regard to Islam and the World,  since George Bush left office.  

Iran is "al Qaeda" and is about to go nuclear,  and this,  during the do-nothing term of "President" Obama.  "al Qaeda" is flooding into Iraq after we won that war,  and, is using it as a staging area for its involvement the Syrian war.  Via the Muslim Brotherhood,  they terrorized the largest Muslim population in the Middle East,  Egypt.  The Obama Administration continues to support the Brotherhood. 

Obama typifies al Qaeda as a local issue,  one that is "often sectarian,"  in spite of the fact that radical Islam is in America and has killed 13 at Fort Hood and wounded 32 more,  killed and wounded dozens in Boston,  succeeded in getting a bomb on board a capacity filled airliner,  only to fail in its effort to discharge that bomb, tried but failed - of its own ignorance - to detonate a car bomb in the streets of New York City,  and murdered a lone soldier in a second military base killing.  

Let's not forget Benghazi.  Regardless of what you think about Obama's involvement,  the fact remains that al Qaeda related forces planned and executed 4 of our ambassadors,  in that country  -  all during a time when Obama and Biden were telling the Gullible,  "Osama is dead and al Qada is on the run."  

Hundreds,  if not thousands,  of Christians have been murdered under Obama's watch,  without a word of protest from this "Christian" man,  nor is there any demonstrable concern shown for the thousands murdered in Syria,  and several of the North African countries.  

And,  to make matters worse,  both the Saudi's and the Israeli's have complained that Obama "has deserted us."  In fact,  Obama's approval rating in surveys taken in the Middle East and,  in Israel,  show his numbers to be far lower than those of George W Bush, in both populations.  

No,  "JV" is hardly the term that best describes the growing influence of Radical Islam,  and more and more Americans are seeing this sad circumstance for what it is,  when the smoke and mirrors of this Administration are put aside.  


  1. is that why he killed bin Laden and more higher level al Qaeda than Bush?

  2. Bush killed 40,000 terrorist and won the war in Iraq. But that is not the issue in this post, is it. Nor is the killing of an irrelevant bin Laden. The issue of my post is the commentary written by his allies in the media. Take your argument and post it on their pages, not here.

  3. Won the war to spend trillions bankrupting the country, a stronger al Qaeda in Iraq, and a stronger unchecked Iran... thats what we "won" in Iraq, not to mention killing 100,000+ 1/3 were women and children ... thats the kind of person Smithson is - he condones this and calls it a win.
