Just how bad is ObamaCare? You will want to ask the Democrats after this coming mid-term.

<<< Make no mistake:  Obama's war on the middle class is a war on prosperity and personal achievement. 

Understand that Obama’s “war on the one percent” is not about that population.  Rather,  his war is against all Americans who are further up the cultural/financial ladder than the vast majority of those earning so-called “poverty level” income,  whether that income is earned or entitlement income. 

What is not making the local news in most communities, certainly not in Denver where I am working,  at present, is the fact that under ObamaCare,  subsidies are essentially capped for those making $50,000 a year or more.  For those in the middle class making $90,000,  this story get much worse.  These folks are being forced into the federal exchanges  for premiums that are double or triple their original premiums, sometimes 3,000 to 5,000 per month,  with annual deductibles of 12,000 and more per year. 

Clearly,  Obama’s war on the “rich” includes and all of middle class making more than $50,000 and that will be a bipartisan reality.  

This is all about wealth redistribution beginning with hard working middle America – the same population that voted this deceiver into office,  twice.  Before this is all over,  his supporters,  including union membership who are holding “Cadillac policies” that will require a 40% in monthly premiums,  beginning after the 2014 midterms.  This 40% is tax on those with quality insurance policies. 

I believe that ObamaCare is a  huge, electoral problem for the Democrat party, and,  in time,  the American people,  including the large unions,  will realize just how much they have been deceived.   
After notes:  for a good discussion on Obama's war against the middle class,  click on each of the following:  

Townhall's discussion of "5 ways Obama is making war on the middle class." 

The American Thinker:     Obama's war on the middle class. 
The National Review:   Obama's War on Inequality

1 comment:

  1. There have been a number of Congressional Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi, who claim that ObamaCare is an election year winner. Of course, the only ones telling us this are those who live extremely liberal regions.
