The unsung real hero of Lone Survivor responds to critics on the Kelly Files. And The Daily Caller thinks he is not critical of Left Wing responses.

For more than two years,  now,  I have been surprised time after time,  with the commentary on The Daily Caller.  While this post is not a review of The Daily Callers left-wing defense,  I cannot help but mention it.  The critic,  a feminist working for the Daily Caller.  She missed the point of the Tapper interview, and,  in fact,  misrepresented (intentionally?) what took place.  See my "after notes" for the that circumstance.  

(Note: there are no "after notes" and here is why.  I would link to DC article,  in which the author cast Glenn Beck as a radical,  Right wing,  wacko,  for his rant against Jake Tapper's comments when interviewing Lutrell in a very recent interview.  Apparently,  the Daily Caller has received so much flack for being out of line,  that it did what all good liberal/moderate concerns do in the face of criticism,  and took down this article.  Maybe Beck has something to say about this,  but I have not checked out that possibility.  


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