I would make a big deal out of this, but, Jeremiah Wright is first, a black "Liberationist" as to religion, and, then, a Progressive Democrat as to politics. Translation: he will lie about most anything if it serves his cause.

Jeremiah Wright Attacks Obama: “King Said, ‘I Have A Dream.’ Barack Said, ‘I Have A Drone’”…

But he is fine with the slaughter of the white man and the enslavement of whitie's children.  Like I said,  he will lie about whatever that serves his cause,  kind of like Obama. 

You should note that nearly 60% of this country believes Obama is not trustworthy, the lowest such number in modern times.  I am not alone in my distrust of this man.  A percentage that high,  must include a heavy sampling (several million) of Independents and a few Democrats.  Even support within the black community has fallen,  down to 75% from 96% in 2008.  the real heartache for a partisan Democrat is the fact that Obama's approval numbers are lower than Bush's.  Apparently it is true:  What goes around,  comes around.     

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