After five years, a poll taken by more than 1 million people casts Obama in the worst possible light.

I am a Right Wing fellow.  But,  as a rule,  I do not quote from the most partisan of right wing blogs. Much of my news/commentary sources are  Left leaning in their philosophy,  outlets such as Politico,  Washington Post, Daily Kos,  the Daily Beast,  the Huffington Post,  ABC, CBS, and NBC  (I never source MSNBC except to make fun of this bunch of white Marxist misfits and their color coordinated stooges),  Drudge (a Right leaning news portal exclusive of commentary),  Memeorandum (a Left leaning news portal exclusive of commentary), FoxNews whose appeal is equal among Left, Right and Moderates.

That said,  NewMax,  a source I use but only after I confirm their facts,  recently conducted a poll that was carried on Left Wing blogs such as the The Daily Kos and other liberal concerns, giving libs as much an opportunity to vote as Right Wingers.  The results are significant for that reason:  

80% generally disapproves of the job Obama is doing as president. 

79%  believe Obama to be as bad a president as we have had in modern times. 

80%  disapprove of his performance with regard to ObamaCare.  

And 68% believe that ObamaCare will harm them in some way.  

Understand that this survey was taken by 1,008,389 Americans,  a huge survey.  

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