Who cares that he is black? Only the blacks. We conservatives only care that he is a One World, borderless, Utopian. No, it is not "black" that is the problem but the fact he is "red."

Obama Complains “Republican Base” Sees “Compromise With Me As A Betrayal”…                                                   <<<<  Hot shot,  here,  was the first to open fire.  He was the first to call names ("teabagger" and the like in his 2008 campaign). He was the first to poke fun at Bible believing Americans.  He was the first (ever) to use the IRS as a "pay-back" tool for his Administration.  And now,  this partisan "tough guy,"  is whining about push back from the GOP.  Turns out he started something that he does not have the ability to finish,  and, so,  he whines and complains.  

"We" do not reject him because he is black.  We reject him because he is a One World Utopian who believes he has the right to the money we all make  (if you earn more than $30,000 per year,  that is).  It is as simple as that.  

Think "Red Communist China" as you read the above. 


  1. Obama said in a recent interview... 1) some people don't like him because he is black, and 2) some people voted for just because he is black.

    Would you hear this - both statements - reported fairly by Fox News? NOT A CHANCE.
    Here is conservative racism in a nutshell, so perfectly expressed:

  2. My only response is to repeat what I wrote in my post: Obama is a One World, borderless, anti-capitalist and if white Hillary is all of this, she will be equally opposed. Our opposition to this presidential moron is that he is an enemy to this country's founding principles and long established historicity. It has NOTHING to do with his color. Same reason I think you are a dufus, by the way, and you are not black.
