Let's see, the privileged political class spent 10 minutes "helping" the poor, and we are supposed to be impressed?

Obviously,  Barack is not working or he forgot to put on his service gloves,  and that "poor" man receiving a meal,  well,  he IS wearing service gloves  . . . . . . . so, maybe,  he is serving them. Conclusion: this photo-op did not take more than 10 minutes to conceive. . . . . . .  just a bunch of uppity phonies and nothing more.  


  1. 85 people now hold as much wealth as the bottom 3.6 BILLION.
    That's the new world order that Smithson and the GOP are fighting for and trying to protect.

  2. The new world order I reject, is the one that puts me and my income (less than $90,000 per year) in the "1%" category. The Middle Class has been defined by those in this socialist/one world Administration, as being the collective of wage earners making less than $200,000, individually. That is what this Great Deceiver [still] tells folks. Yet, Obama and folks such as you (Mr. Anonymous), continue to support punishing the Middle Class in your advancement of Marxist based socialism. You and Obama are only friends of the indigent poor and alien populations. I don't care what the 85 (your source?) do.They are NOT taking money out of pocket. I only care about my ability to take advantage of the money making opportunities that are available. I do not want a government " limits my opportunities or tells me, "At some point in time, we think you have made enough money."

    Understand that you and I are both "middle class." The difference? You want an entitlement society that guarantees your financial outcome, and I want to work for and keep the money I make. You are into Central Planning guarantees and I am into upward/financial mobility.

  3. Socialism doesn't mean taking wealth from those who work hard and giving it to those who don't, that is precisely what capitalism IS today and the stats PROVE it.
