Obama is the nation's first president to threaten to run the presidency as if he were a dictator. He has strategies, tested and proven, over the past 5 years, that give him this power.

<<< A voting electorate is the only solution to a wannabe dictator  . . . . . .   short of an actual civil war. or total surrender.   
They went into the meeting hoping to secure a more conciliatory,  bi-partisan tone from Barack Obama.  Instead,  he told them "how the cow is to eat the cabbage."   He has decided he has the power to legislate,  negating the need for congress.  More than this,  he has decided he can simply ignore Supreme Court decisions as he moves to accomplish his personal agenda for this country.  And the feckless GOP finds themselves sitting on the side lines,  arguing with those who have the power to give them both houses of congress,  and refusing to offer significant and sustained opposition to this tyrant.  
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama has told Senate Democrats he plans to use his executive authority to act in 2014 when Congress stands in his way.
Obama met with senators from his own party Wednesday at the White House. The White House says Obama and Democrats discussed proposals to raise the minimum wage and efforts to pass a comprehensive immigration overhaul. Education initiatives and jobs measures were also on the agenda.
The White House says Obama wants to work with Congress to make progress, but will also act on his own to get things done.
The meeting was the first such session of 2014 and comes two weeks before Obama is set to deliver his State of the Union address.
The senators left the White House without speaking to reporters.

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