(2 updates) If you want absolute proof that we are being governed by the most incompetent administration of self-absorbed no nothings in American history, here it is - video proof of something many of us have known to be true for 5 years.

After four stinking years of work, the ObamaCare site is not secure,  period.  Let me say it another way:  after 4 months since the first day of this ignorant program's official beginning,  the site is not secure  . . . .  period.   But today's testimony gets worse.  The automated features of the website have not been built,  as I write  (they are having to manually enroll these people),  and it is this feature that records the enrollments and forwards this information to the several "in bed with the President" insurance companies.  As a result of this failure,  no one knows who has paid, AND,  if  "they" do not who has paid,  they cannot possibly know how many are actually enrolled in the program.  As a result,  estimates that 2.2 million have "enrolled" in ObamaCare are nothing less than an outrageous lie.  Updated comment:   Understand this:  while there may or may not have been 2.2 million folks who have visited the site,  our government and the Incompetents who have created and are running this program,  have any idea how many are paying customers.  Nor can they know how many are healthy applicants versus the number of those who will draw money from the program.  Of course,  since these same administrators hate "profit,"  the need to balance the books is as unimportant as the number of enrollees.  In the end,  Democrats will insist that the program continue,  whether it pays for itself or not.  I mean,  THAT is exactly their stance on the expanded version of Social Security and the single payer system we call Medicaid. 

Updated for debate:  I am reporting a security failure with ObamaCare,  while ABC News and the The Daily Kos are reporting just the opposite, here.  How can we explain the difference between the two opinions?  Simple,  the government takes a grain of truth and turns it into a comprehensive lie,  geared to deceive.  Basic tests at the most elementary levels,  have been conducted successfully (before December 18 of last year),  but no one has corrected the systemic security issues mentioned by four experts in in their congressional testimony in November  . . . .  .  and the folks at ABC News and the Daily Kos know this but do not care.  "Defend the Administration at any cost and with any 'truth' available,"  is the new battle cry with regard to ObamaCare.   


  1. muck-raking, hate mongering, non-critically thinking Smithson liar gives us his hate of the day.

    where does it get you, smithson?

    There has there not been a single instance of a security breach.

  2. Who reports "security leaks" genius? Still, you make it sound as if I am making up my crikticism instead of actually quoting authoritative sources on the (given) subject. You think all the critics appearing before the Senate committee are conservatives? And, my point is this: after 4 stinking years, the clowns running ObamaCare could not get the site ready or have in place, a working system for enrollment. One would think this is the most important part of the established project . . . . you know, the part where money is collected. the reader can see the silliness of your objections.
