Congressman Jim Jordan questioned a 12-year veteran of the Criminal Division of the Department Justice, a Mr. Horowitz, regarding the IRS targeting of conservative groups seeking 501(c)(4) status. Horowitz says he knows of no (zero, nada not a single...) "tax matter" case that was  investigated by the Civil Rights Division during his twelve year career. So why is this scandal before the Civil Rights Division and not the Criminal Division where criminal cases are handles? You might answer back with 'this is a discrimination case.' Come on, you know TEA-party-types can't be discriminated against. Such groups are largely white. No, whites can't be discriminated against under this DOJ.

<<<   Jim Jordan

Jordan is making the point that of an estimated 10,000 attorneys in the DOJ, Barbara Bosserman of the DOJ's CIVIL RIGHTS Division, has been chosen to do the so-called investigation. To muddy the waters, Bosserman donated $6,700.00 to Barack Obama. Congressman Elijah Cummins (D-MD) is on the House Oversight Committee and adds his usual spurious commentary. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), also on the committee, reminds Jordan that a particular Inspectors General donated to Jordan's campaign, which has nothing to do with the Bosserman problem. Jordan is not the subject of a criminal matter, the IRS is.