Representatives of the Socialist/Progressive, One World, Borderless, Entitlement Community speak out: "If you are pro-life . . . you have no place in the state of New York."

Me?  I have decided not to even try to get along with these "American" impostors.  You decide for yourselves as you read and discover just what your opponents think of you and your place in our society.  I mean,  if "we" do not belong in New York,  I would assume that Cuomo AND Obama do not believe there is a place for "us" in this country.  Isn't that the way we all have been treated over the past five years?  

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo believes that pro-life activists along with anti-gay activists, and supporters of the Second Amendment, are not welcome in his state.
During a radio interview on Friday, Cuomo pointed out that Republicans were in the midst of a schism, where conservatives worked against moderate Republicans.
"Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves," he said. "Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

State Republicans blasted his comments, the New York Post reported, even as the governor walked them back on Sunday in an open letter to the newspaper.


  1. Look at the pro lifer MORAL Republicans... like VA's former Gov who tried to bully women into forced ultrasounds.
    INDICTED. Criminal. His wife also.

    That's your conservative MORALITY

  2. Your comments have nothing to my post, as usual. I want to readers to know that this is standard operating procedure for Marxist Libs. They ignore the actual debate, make up their own "facts," call names and, generally, function on the intellectual level of a 6th grader. The VA retired governor is being prosecuted by a corrupt, Obama Department of Justice. If the governor is innocent until proven guilty, and is being prosecuted by the most biased, white'conservative hating DOJ's in our history, how can a reasonable person, one who believes in true justice, ever believe media and DOJ reports with regard to Gov McConnell??

    But, again, my comments had to do with Cuomo and his new brand of idiocy. Understand that his rejection of conservatives, is, at the same time, a rejection of all Catholics living in N.Y. He sounds like a moron and, now, we know, he really is a moron. You must be so proud.

  3. Indeed, what would happen to the city if all conservatives and Catholics left the town. Sounds like that is what Cuomo and his socialist stooge, the Mayor, are hoping for. I say, "Great," and am intending to move out as soon as possible. The socialists (and I am a card carrying Democrat) have ruined this town.

  4. "the most biased, white'conservative hating DOJ's in our history" - racist Smithson.

    No, Cuomo is 100% right, in fact, anti-abortion rights, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay have no place in America. Get a clue. Look around you. Abortion rights are protected, more states legalize gay marriage, and there's school shooting every week... what side of history do you want to be on? The forward thinking side or the ignorant, hide-bound, redneck regressive side?

    Speaking of rednecks... conservatives are so easily duped... find a different role model.
