In recent polls, we learn that the GOP enlists 25% of the population while the Dems enlist 31%. So how does the GOP win any election? Simple but subtle: we are a "Right leaning nation" and have been for generations. See this Gallup poll.

<<<  In short,  when the GOP identifies with conservative AND populace opinions,  it wins elections,  sometimes in overwhelming numbers  -  ala 2010 and 2014 (?).  

The "Right leaning/Left leaning" divide  measures 38% versus 23% for the Libs,  in this most recent Gallup poll.  These two numbers are very consistent as a careful look at this chart shows.  In 1996,  the divide was a 40 to 16 split;  in 2004,  we had a 40 - 19 divide and in 2010,  the divide was 40 - 21.   

Accepting the consistency of this survey over the past several decades  (more than what is shown on this chart),  the reader can see why the GOP remains a viable alternative despite its comparative membership totals versus the new socialist party we still call The Democrat Party.  More than this,  the survey explains the majority opposition to ObamaCare,  gun control,  any serious attempt at government control of our speech patterns,  our national work ethic,  our allegiance to the US Consitution, and the steadily growing government.  Again,  it is because "we" are a conservative/traditionalist nation at our core and all projections take this fact well into the next century.  

Things never stay the same,  but,  for the time being,  the socialist minded One Worlders currently in power,   do not hold a majority opinion,  not withstanding a Marxist media and a Democrat Party that has forsaken its nationalist roots. 

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