Point of this post: to validate the claim that Obama has dealt poorly with Middle Eastern nations, that his theory of "leading from behind" is, in fact, an abandonment of leadership.

<<< Leading from behind allowed Obama to go to bed,  while this tragedy was going on.   He had a campaign speech to give the next morning, so Obama went to bed while men under his command were being murdered,  begging for help.  THAT is the man some of you voted for.  Be sure and have your children enlist in his army. 

Thought the reader should know of the thinking of those Iraqi's left behind by Obama,  in his rush to abandon the victory in Iraq and the responsibilities of this country in preserving that victory.  The story,  as with all of my reporting,  comes from accepted news sources,  this time from the Washington Examiner.  As you read,  make note of the implied criticism of this Administration,  as the Iraqi Ambassador lefts up Bush's "ownership" of the Iraqi circumstance,  something that is not the case with Obama.  Also,  you should know that this past month,  the Saudi's criticized Obama for his refusal to play a leadership role in the Middle East.  He really has no friends in that part of the world,  and has left the region in as big a mess as has been the case in our lifetimes.  

From the Examiner:   Iraq’s ambassador to Washington says the Obama administration doesn’t fully grasp the consequences of failing to more aggressively combat a surging al Qaeda threat inside his country, pointedly suggesting that President Obama has been less engaged with Baghdad than his predecessor.

“The administration has to have a better understanding of any adverse impact of any delay in provision of support to Iraq,” Ambassador Lukman Faily told The Washington Times in an interview Wednesday. “It cannot afford a whole town or province of Iraq falling to al Qaed and becoming a safe haven. It’s against the U.S. strategic interest. It’s against the U.S. national security to do that.”

Asked whether the White House could do more to facilitate a tighter relationship with Iraq Mr. Faily said, “to a certain extent they can. But we are no longer in a period in which we had President Bush, who took ownership of that relationship.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jan/8/iraqi-diplomat-wants-obama-engagement-in-al-qaeda-/#ixzz2pxdr4Wlw

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