An Opinion Commentary: Here is what is about to happen to Chris Christie and none of this report bods will for the Governor. Just know this: the sharks are out and he is in the water.

Understand that there are no bigger hypocrites in the world of politics than the cabal that is the Saul Alynski inspired New Socialist/Democrat Party.  Their political instincts are similar to those of sharks,  swimming around,  willing to publish or make up any story,  riding it to the bitter end,  with a view of destroying the political opponents.  

With that fact in mind,  Chris Christie in the fight of his life.  I am no fan of this Republican governor.  He intentionally offered a hand of friendship to Obama,  days before the 2012 elections,  fully aware of the consequences of that action  -  and I say "fully aware" because the alternative is to realize he is dumber than the back side of a brick.  

I consider him to be a self-serving bully,  with no regard for what is actually happening to this country.  And,   millions feel much the same as I do.  "We" do not take insults to our conservative stance laying down.  Kiss off any populace support Christie might have accumulated within the tired, old,  GOP,  before this recent "scandal." 

Did he know what was going on?  Did he order or accommodate the bridge shutdown?  Is he trying to cover-up his personal involvement?   

Well,  as things stand, now,  we do not know.  Neither do the Democrats,  but they don't need to know.  They are going to ride their accusations into the ground and like flesh eating vampires,  they are going to "do it now."  

Think about it;  Christie is Hillary's strongest GOP opponent according to recent polls and,  as such,  the current primary target of the Left.  The longer this story last,  the more damage done to Christie.  The situation is most serious because  Obama's so-called Department of "Justice" with Erc Holder,  may get involved.  If the partisan hacks within the Administration of "justice" can link anything of significance to Christie,  he is probably done,  as a presidential candidate.  

Over the coming weeks,  expect to see a media onslaught of negative Christie stories, a good deal of truthful accusations,  an expanding "investigation,"  and all of this coupled with timely and well worded lies.  I don't think he survives.  

Already,  this particular story has garnered more national media attention than Benghazi,  Fast and Furious and  the IRS Targetgate scandal combined.  "They" are going to pour it on  -  working at a fever pitch,  knowing there is blood in the water with political death soon to follow. 

1 comment:

  1. Big man, pig man.... HA HA charade you are.

    He's finished.
