President Obama is “chronically incapable” - so says one of our military allies.

This article/excerpt  was posted in the Left leaning "The Daily Beast,"  which means,  of course,  that more and more of the American population is learning - often for the first time - of the perceived ineptness of the Obama no-nothing Administration,  as seen in the eyes of the world.  His goal of "repairing the damage done by George Bush" has devolved into a not-so-funny joke.  He has betrayed most of America's traditional allies;  has unilaterally violate several treatise secured under Bush  (i.e. the Iraqi after conflict treatise,  the defense treatise with Poland and Georgia, and more than one defense agreements with Israel).  His more unpopular in both Israel and the Middle Eastern world than at any time under the Bush administration.  Keep all that in mind as you read this "cut and paste" and the larger article at The Daily Beast.  -  blog editor.  

Senior UK Defense Advisor: Obama Is Clueless About ‘What He Wants To Do In The World’

Sir Hew Strachan, an expert on the history of war, says that the president’s strategic failures in Afghanistan and Syria have crippled America’s position in the world.
Hew Strachan
President Obama is “chronically incapable” of military strategy and falls far short of his predecessor George W. Bush, according to one of Britain’s most senior military
Sir Hew Strachan, an advisor to the Chief of the Defense Staff, told The Daily Beast that the United States and Britain were guilty of total strategic failure in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Obama’s attempts to intervene on behalf of the Syrian rebels “has left them in a far worse position than they were before.”
The extraordinary critique by a leading advisor to the United States’ closest military ally comes days after Obama was undermined by the former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who questioned the President’s foreign policy decisions and claimed he was deeply suspicious of the military.
Strachan, a current member of the Chief of the Defense Staff’s Strategic Advisory Panel, cited the “crazy” handling of the Syrian crisis as the most egregious example of a fundamental collapse in military planning that began in the aftermath of 9/11. “If anything it’s gone backwards instead of forwards, Obama seems to be almost chronically incapable of doing this. Bush may have had totally fanciful political objectives in terms of trying to fight a global War on Terror, which was inherently astrategic, but at least he had a clear sense of what he wanted to do in the world. Obama has no sense of what he wants to do in the world,” he said  . . . . . . . . .   the reader will want to read the full article.  Click on the hyperlink above.


  1. Bush spent $3 trillion in Iraq for what? for who?
    his war profiteers - thats who.

    Bush bankrupted america, killed and tortured thousands. Smithson supports this agenda.

    Obama - keeping a lid on Iran, killed bin Laden and more al Qaeda than Bush ever did.

  2. The actual money spent on Iraq was less than a trillion over the 5 years years before Obama became president; 40,000 terrorist were killed; three were water-boarded and gave up great information that saved American lives, and more than all of this, Bush won the war. as far as bankrupting America, well, that is just silly.

    Your president thought it wise to surrender to the enemy after we won the stinking war, and leave Iraq "fight" in Afghanistan without an exit strategy (other than surrender) as he ordered rules of engagement that has killed hundreds of our soldiers -- the only soldiers who count in a war.


    More money, killing, hate. and terror in Iraq, Thats what smithson stands for. He wished we never left Iraq.

    John McCain: Neither Waterboarding Nor Any Other Form Of Torture Led To Bin Laden
