The new Pope, Francis, is reportedly "soft" on gay marriage - so says NBC News. Turns out the network just made up another of its "breaking news stories."

 ( - The Vatican press office released a statement three days ago calling the media’s coverage of Pope Francis’ remarks about children living with same-sex parents “manipulation” and “quite obviously forced,” adding that the pope’s positions were “completely different from what some people are now trying to surreptitiously attribute to him.”

The Vatican statement was in response to media reports about informal comments by the pope that they said indicated a change, a move by the church towards accepting civil unions for homosexuals . . . . . . . . Pope Francis’ remarks occurred during a Q & A format with the religious men about the challenges of belonging to a religious order, the challenges facing the church in general, and education.
From the Pope’s remark, AFP [and NBC News, among other networks - blog editor]  ran a story with the headline, “Pope Calls for Fresh Church Approach to Children of Gay Parents.” 
The article claimed that, “Though the Church has often been in conflict with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community over its opposition to same-sex marriage and to homosexuality, Francis has drawn praise for attempts to be inclusive.”

These media outlets failed to report Pope Francis’ recent opposition to same-sex unions in Malta and his instruction to the archbishop there he was “saddened” by news that Malta was considering allowing gay couples to adopt, calling it “anthropological regression,” a phrase he had also used when he was bishop of Buenos Aires


  1. Pope Francis calls unfettered capitalism 'tyranny' and urges rich to share wealth.

    "Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord? You can't marginalize these people." - Pope Frsncis

    Why do you think this pope is the most popular ever? He's been called a marxist by 'Smithson's people.'

    Who is on the wrong side of history? Not the Pope, Smithson - the person who represents coporate greed and bigotry. Smithson will be received well in hell.

  2. An atheist who believes in hell . . . I love it.
