Obama is doing nothing to prepare his party for the 2010 elections. Here is how that election will play out.

Midknight Review has a theory as to the coming 2010 and 2012 elections.

Assuming the current misdirection of the White House extending into the coming months and years, Mr. Obama and his ruling party are in serious trouble.

First, a little history
The flow chart to the left is current as of today and pictures a nominal "flat line" beginning in July of 2009. Actually, there are two "flat lines" pictured, the one mentioned and the first, running form March through the end of May.

That first level of approval ranged between 60% and 55%. During that time, Obama was fairly popular and his "spend like hell" policies were being rammed through Congress without regard for the people's will or amendment from the GOP.

That first level of approval saw an adjustment beginning with the end of May and extending through the month of June. When it was over, Obama's approval numbers - on average - fell into the range of 45 to 50%. That average has remained current form the beginning of July thru February of this year. Since the beginning of 2010, however, this "constant" has seen an increasing number of -45% registrations that were the not case in 2009.

What does this mean?

His electoral weaknesses in terms of demographics:
His disapproval numbers are the result of two considerations: 1) dissatisfaction within Obama's base and 2) the loss of interest on the part of Independents.

How will this play out in an election?
Of course, the very liberal Left will not vote for anything that smacks of a Constitutional agenda. In an election, as things currently stand, much of his disenfranchised based will simply stay at home. They will not vote for someone who has deserted the anti-war effort, the gays-in-the-military issue and the socialist agenda mirrored in a Marxist philosophy. As of this morning, 2/12/10, Obama has done nothing to indicate a concern for this dissatisfaction. For example, two weeks ago, it appeared that he was about to reverse "don't ask, don't tell." Instead, he moved to create a commission to "study" the issue and report back toward the end of the year, effectively putting off the decision and giving him "cover" in case he decides to not make that reversal.

Remember his rhetoric "time for talk is over, time for action is here " ?? Well, his gay buds are shouting this in his ear and he is not listening. The far left vote is not in the mix and will not vote to keep him in office, as things stand today.

As regards the Independent vote, they left the reservation months ago. They are turned off by angry rhetoric and Congressional gridlock. They credit the Democrats with this gridlock [despite some polling results] in view of the fact that the Dems have a "super majority" within both houses. There simply is no reason for Congress to be bogged down in petty debate and increasing philosophical when one party owns Congress. Midknight Review believes that the Independents will come to the conclusion that " if you are the only game in town, there is no one to blame for your inaction but yourself. "

We would agree.

Understand that polling will show reduced but fairly good numbers for Obama. The Liberal Lefties will be"approving" of much of his agenda, while, at the same time, refusing to vote for the man when November. roles around.

We believe that the coming elections will see the Left staying at home and a much energized Right voting in record numbers. If if if that is a true picture, the coming election(s) could be a monumental disaster for the Democrat Party. Barack Obama may prove to be the worst thing for the Democrat Party in nearly twenty years - maybe the worst of all time.

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