Have no fear. It is more than likely that the Biden Dems will get even less accomplished than Obama/Biden.

I find it typical to the ruling class that it has decades of demonstrable history promising nirvana to the masses and solutions (beyond welfare) to the ethnic communities communities, all in the face of decades of abject failure in the above venues. Never forget, dear reader, that it was the ruling class who invented the KKK, the "plantation," whose two greatest presidents (Wilson and FDR) segregated the military before each of the world wars. It was the Democrats who defended segregated schools into the early 1960's invented an acceptable way of killing the unborn.  Murders all.

We (the Patriot Nation) are left with a politician who has failed for 47 years (prove me wrong) and a black woman who thinks everything is funny, who slept her way to the top. As Obama proved when handed full control of our Congress, Dumb and Dumber will get little to nothing down over the course of the next four years. Understand that without exception, everything the Dems complained about over the course of the past four years, they could have "fixed" during the Obama/Biden do nothing years. What a brain-dead joke the Left has become.

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