Big Pharma exposed in deal making with Obama, behind closed doors. Obama piuts "slick Willey" to shame and we three years to go, with this guy.

Here is a two minute brief review of the about-face Obama pulled on the American people, first expressing criticism of the Bush people for being in bed with "big pharma" and, then, climbing in that bed behind closed doors, before the health care mess fell apart. You will hear mention made of Billy Tauzin, a lobbyist for the the pharmaceutical industry and one time representative, first for the Dems and then, in 1995, switching sides after the Republicans took power. He later quit congress for a CEO position with Big Pharma. The video does not mention it, but Tauzin was fired from his position, recently, after spending $100 million on pro-health care ads only to watch the bill crash and burn. Just keep in mind the fact that Obama is as two-faced as any president we have ever had - putting to shame Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. You need to take a couple of minutes to acquaint yourself with the deception of this White House and the slick lobbyists' campaign that is Big Pharma.

What better reason is there for doing as the Republicans have suggested with regard to the health care bill -- they want to start over from the beginning. There have been too many closed door deals made to allow the current health care bill to pass through Congress. Let's not forget the $1.3 billion embedded in the Stimulus bill, money set aside for the medical review panel of 15 professionals, none of them doctors, who would review various (as in all) procedures as they determine their viability against projected costs -- this is the death panel Palin had in mind and it is real and it is already set up - months before the fight over the health care bill. Of course this panel of advisors will not continue if the health bill remains dead.

You might ask, "why did they put this medical review panel in the stimulus bill rather than in the health care bill?" Here is your answer: they knew before hand that "cost" would be a major objection so the Dems and Obama split a billion plus dollars away from the reform legislation, hiding it in the Stimulus Bill, allowing them to report a cost analysis that had little to do with truth.

Lies , lies and more lies. There is no choice but to start over, from the beginning. Remember this post and share it with friends and whoever -- jds.

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