Bipartisanship? A resounding "NO" coming from the Democrat. "We do not want it. We do not need it."

Forget about congressional efforts at bipartisan legislation -- and we are not talking about bipartisan efforts between Republicans and Democrats ! Rather, we have in mind the increasing divide that exists within the Democrat Party, itself.

Pictured to the left -- and we do mean left - is the Senate's chairman of the finance committee, Max Baucus. To the other left is the Senate's majority leader, Harry Reid.

It turns out that Baucus was crafting a jobs bill that featured rare agreement between Dems and members of the GOP. It centered around cutting the estate tax. Senator's Baucus and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) were closing in on an agreement to provide tax incentives for businesses to hire new employees--and on ancillary measures to allow Republicans to sign on to the broader bill including cuts to the Estate Tax. The socialist controlled Democrat majority complained and Reid stepped in, took the bill out of committee and decided to create his own partisan proposition.

Within hours, Reid had a new bill "on the table" and has challenged the GOP to vote against it - all in pretense of "bi-partisanship." You might ask, how can Mr. Reid make such a challenge. Understand that "bi-partisan" to a socialist Democrat means "submitting to the ruling class." Ain't going to happen.

Understand that while the Dems will argue that this bill is a jobs bill, the rest of the population will be asking, "we thought the $787 billion Stimulus was a 'jobs' bill -- that it would provide 3 million new jobs by the end of 2010? " And, they would be right in asking that question. That was the promise, but who the hell believes in promises, any more?

So much for bi-partisan effort.

What is even more frustrating is the obvious fact that our legislative future is being decided by two people and neither of them is Mr. Obama. Pelosi and Reid are the two Congressional goons sending us all to financial hell. Obama, with no economic background and little commonsense, has decided to simply go along for the ride. His agenda has much more to do with himself than fostering a revolution or giving direction to this nation.

The point of this post? To set the record straight as to the Dems true desires and their pretended complaint for bi-partisan compromises --- jds.

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