I stopped listening to Napolitano more than a year ago. Here is a good reason why:

Andrew McCarthy BLASTS Judge Napolitano’s Accusations of Trump Campaign Violations: “That’s Not What Happened at All!” (Video)

Understand that  Andrew McCarthy is a  former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and author.

Andrew McCarthy: What I am saying is it remains to be seen whether this was actually a crime or not even if it happened in the way Cohen did. I was quite surprised just a few minutes ago watching Judge Napolitano on the program right before yours say a federal judge had “ruled” that this is a campaign finance violation. That’s not what happened at all. What happened was the Southern District charged what was very dubiously allegedly an in-kind campaign finance donation and Cohen elected, I think on strategic reasons, to plead guilty to that charge without challenging the underlying question which is a profound legal question about whether it actually is an in-kind contribution or not. The judge never ruled on that… What happened here is the judge accepted the guilty plea but that is not binding on President Trump. So if he was ever charged he would have the opportunity to argue that this is not a campaign contribution. Cohen’s concession on this point is not binding on the president in any way.


  1. Andrew McCarthy: Why Trump is likely to be indicted by Manhattan US Attorney

    1. Obviously, you do not keep up with McCarthy's televised interviews. "Indictment" and "found guilty" are two very different issues. especially when the indictments come from the folks in the Southern District.
