Even some libs see Islam's "holy" book a work of hate.

Bill Maher To Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison: The Qur'an Is A ‘Hate Filled Holy Book’

The headline is our segue into the following point: the "founding document" of Islam, the Koran, is a book full of promised violence against Jews and Christians. Understand that the Koran was written more than 600 years after the time of Christ.

I have read about a third of the book and quit because of boredom. In my experience, Bill Maher has it right. There is simply no way one can read the book without noting verse after verse after verse instructing the Islamic follower to "kill the infidel," meaning the Jew and the Christian.

Ignorance is the bed into which lies are sown. If you read the Koran, you will see why Maher says what is reported.


  1. Bible orders to kill infidels (2 Chronicles 15:13):
    "anyone who refused to seek the Lord, the God of Israel, would be put to death—whether young or old, man or woman."

    Bible orders to kill those who worship differently (Exodus 22:20):
    "He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed."

    Bible orders to kill non-virgins (Deuteronomy 22:20-21):
    "if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die"

    Bible orders to kill gays (Leviticus 20:13):
    'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death"

    It is really scary that our nation is dominated by such a violent religion.

  2. Ellen, just for the record, according Muslim law, you are an infidel. There are NO Christians seeking your death, but hundreds of jihadist Muslim are working for your demise.

    You really should not make comments when you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
    The Bible is about celebrating the move from "law," harsh judgment and punishment to a very different paradigm of peace and mercy. The Old Testament cannot be understood without the message of the New - but you don't care about solving the problem, you just want to pretend that Christianity is as much a threat or more so, than Islam. Stupid wrong.

    The nation is not dominated by violent religion, it is dominated by violent Marxist run unions. THAT is the scary part.

  3. Judging Muslims by what it says in the Koran is not unlike judging you by what it says in the Bible. What you will never realize is that there is nothing real or divine about any "holy book".... it's all bullshit parables, contradictions and legends... and that is not just my opinion, it is the opinion of those that have studied the Bible the most. Bonefide Biblical scholars like Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan who have devoted their lives to not only studying the Bible, but learning the language of the orginal Greek texts. You could not imagine having the Biblical knowledge of these people and they will tell you, there is nothing 'divine' about the Bible, it is a very 'human document.' There are 5500 or so sources of the Bible, 94% of them date from after the ninth century.
    The first copies of the Bible had rampant copying errors and deliberate forgeries, perhaps due to the low level of literacy during the early Middle Ages. Many of these errors had been already incorporated into the source texts by the time the more disciplined and trained scribes of the later midde ages recieved them. John Mill in 1707 documented 30,000 errors in just 83 of these 5500 source texts. The aim of Biblical scholars is to present findings and scholarship rather than views. It's ironic that, among numerous other places, 'The Great Commission' appears at the end of Mark- which is widely accepted to be a later addition or forgery, because it serves as a motivation for those to proselytize, a criteria needed for personal salvation. Therefore, it can be seen as a self-perptuating myth where it's supporters/believers can never be unbiased or objective... like yourself.

  4. Oh, btw Dilwad, jihadist would see you as an infidel, also. Or, do you think they would see you as one of the good guys, huh moron ??

    But lets talk "bullshit," shall? You and I both know that all you know about the Bible and Christianity is what you read on the internet or hear from your pagan mommy.

    Bart Ehrman, the "happy agnostic," is an educated ignorant who knows nothing of the Christian faith. I have briefly debated this clown. He is an angry ex "Christian" who never figured out the value and place of faith.

    What you do not understand is that the "God of the Bible" does not live or dwell IN the Bible. Is the Bible full of errors, as you pretend to know? I don't think so but I also do not care. My God is bigger (sovereign) than any "mistake," real or imagined that one may point to. He can get the job down even when we are wrong, especially when we cannot help.

    You believe in the eternity of matter and motion. I believe in the eternity of the Christian God.

    Textual studies and biblical languages happen to be matters of which I know a good amount, but, hey, you know how to surf the internet and read what the likes of Erhman have to say. Never mind the fact that there are hundreds of "scholars" more knowledgeable than Bart while continuing with their faith in the Christ of God.

    The Bible is the single most attested book out of ancient times in the history of man. There are no errors in the Bible that effect message or doctrinal content. Prove me wrong, genius. You seemed to mess that point, or maybe Bart missed it and you didn't have enough background to ask.

    The "great commission" was something given to the 12 apostles. It appears at the end of two of the "gospels."

    The commission I see as the Christian charge is the one found in II Corinthians and reads, "we have been called to the ministry of reconciliation." But, what would you know about that.

    Understand, William, that I am not a Christian who has patience for those who would be enemies of the Faith. There are those within Christiandom that think we should lay down and play dead for those who be enemies of Christianity. Not me. While I am quite the pacifist when it comes to matters of the Faith, I also believe that throwing "pearls before swine" is not my charge.

    You are lost in the sea of your own self worth. And where has that gotten you??

    What is most important is that God is bigger than your smugness, your angst, your ignorance of the way life works.

    You talk of the humanness of the Bible as if you have limited God. Silliness. As alluded to above, God is bigger than any of man's failings. That is a central aspect to the Christian message. And that would include any errors you might suppose.

    What you and Barth do not understand is this: Christ is the only objective manifestation of God to man. It is not the Bible that has to be perfect, but Christ.

    And I will leave it at that.

  5. Bart Ehrman - educated fool. A Biblical scholar educated at Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton College, and Magna Cum Laude Graduate of Princeton Divinity School and an ordained Baptist minister. He studied the source language of the Bible - ancient Greek language beginning at age 19 with the world authority of the subject at Princeton. He is intimately familiar with all 5500 source documents of the Bible.

    You think you know more than this guy about the Bible? How about you? How many source documents of the Bible have you actually seen and read? How's your knowledge of ancient Greek?

    Another Biblical scholar being labeled 'blasphemous' for his writings based on a lifetime of Biblical study is John Dominic Crossan who began studies of ancient Greek and Latin at age 11, entered the monastary at age 16, ordained at 23, a PhD in Divinity at 25. He's a major figure in biblical archaeology, anthropology and the New Testament. He is most notable a key figure in research into the historical Jesus. He is a Christian who says, "you don't have to accept the Jesus of dogma. There's another Jesus hidden in Scripture and history who has been ignored."

    According to Crossan, who knows infinitey more than you about the Bible, the first Christians told Jesus' resurrection story as a parable, not as a fact.

    In Jesus' time, Rome was forcing many Jewish families into destitution, with high taxes and land seizures. Some Jews advocated violent rebellion, but others opted for non-violent resistance. Jesus called for nonviolent resistance to Rome and just distribution of land and food (socialism). He was crucified because he threatened Roman stability -- not as a sacrifice to God for humanity's sins. If you do believe in a God that uses violence to "save" humanity, that is the same as those who believe that violence is permissible in certain circumstances, such as suicide bombing or invading other countries to spread democracy, says Crossan. The human addiction to violence, though, is so ingrained that even the authors of the New Testament had trouble accepting Jesus' nonviolence, Crossan says. "So they did a little editing." Crossan's proof: Jesus preaches nonviolence at the beginning of the New Testament. By the book of Revelation, he's leading armies through heaven to kill evildoers.

    The bottom line here is that your faith is based on a human invention - religion. Your religion come from legend based on a cryptic document that came down to us in fragments - 94% of which were 800 years after the fact and were copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies .... a thousand times over.... made by men with a vested intereset in their profession. Personally, I find the source extremely dubious. Anyone who can think clearly and unbiasedly can see this. Obviously, you can not be unbiased because you have too much invested.

  6. Maybe you missed the part in which I mention knowing Bart Ehrman. Most informed Christian know of this loser. I have dealt with him, personally.

    Maybe you missed the part in which I claim that hundreds of theologians are as qualified as Ehrman.

    The 800 year thingy? Well, that is completely false. One could take the lectionaries out of the picture and all would be the quite the same, as relates to the biblical text.

    And finally, maybe you missed the fact that my faith is based on a living God, not on a book, even one as important as the Bible. Christ is the only objective revelation of God to man.

    And in view of the fact that I did not flunk Faith 101, as did Bart Ehrman, I submit that I am considerably more qualified than Ehrman ever thought of being.

    You, of course, have no qualifications as you present problematic biblical issues, none. And you are as misguided in your claims as one would expect when folks who know nothing, speak as if they do.

    Back under the rock, William.

  7. Obviously, you can not be unbiased because you have too much invested. Your critical thinking and logic are affected. You might as well be mentally ill.

    For example ... If I spoke to an invisible man daily, I would be deamed mentally ill. That's what you call prayer.

  8. What I said was true. There are 5500 or so sources of the Bible, 94% are copies that date from after the ninth century.

    If you debated Ehrman, I'm sure he put you in your place. Scholars deal with facts, not faith.

    I'll leave the supernatural delusions to you.

  9. William, you get your butt kicked every time you bring up the violence issue.

    Once again, you guys (Democrats) invented the KKK and the Labor Union thug.

    Did you forget the violent teacher riots in Madison and the fact that the police had to be called out to protect the GOP legislators?

    This statement of yours: "What I said was true. There are 5500 or so sources of the Bible, 94% are copies that date from after the ninth century" is wrong. The primary documents used in the translation of the Bible are dated in the 300 to 400 AD range (Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Vaticanus and the Ephraemi Rescriptus). All of the greek papyri date before 700 (2 such documents) with the vast majority dating from early 200 AD (17 papyri.

    The early Church Fathers (17 or 18 of these fellows) wrote between 80 and 150 AD and are a great source for the biblical text.

    You mentioned "copies." Of course, all of the bible comes our way via copies. Again, it is the most attested ancient book in history.

    Speaking for myself, my faith is in a living Christ, not in a "divine book." I don't think most Christians would argue that the Bible is divine. Is it "infallible?" Well, speaking for myself, God helps to understand scripture, so I do not care about the infallible argument. God is infallible and that solves the problem for me.

    The biblical message cannot be understood apart from the historicity of the risen Christ. He is the only objective manifestation of God to man. But you probably have no clue what I mean by that statement.

    Finally, Prayer is a sign of mental illness? Let me give you an alternative to that idiotic statement. The guy who thinks he is the existential equal to "god" is a moron. If you don't believe in God, which obviously you do not, stop pretending you know what you are talking about when it comes to "god," stop comparing yourself to a failed version of God.

    At some point, all science/math goes to postulated formula and a postulate is an axiomatic concept without a mathematical proof. I call that faith, you want to pretend it is something else.

    One thing for certain, your life is no better than mine. Why you and those like you get so angry about "God," why you work to rid the community of God, is beyond me.

    I have my conversation with Ehrman recorded on Barth and the Boyz. He was easy.

  10. So you agree, the ressurection was a parable and not a historical fact?

    The church I most recently attended was an Episcopal church at the University of the South, a very educated group. Most in that congregation believed the story of Christianity to be an inspiring legend, not fact, not divine.

    Belief in God is the humility to realize that there ARE unknowns, there is somethig greater than we can imagine, it doesn't come from some Jewish peasant carpenter who was allegedly crucified because he was an non-violent socialist 2000 yrs ago. Believing man's written legends like the Bible would be elevating man to the level of God. That is why Christianity, while generally good in principle, has become a divisive, dogmatic pathway to ignorance and servitude that is steadily working it's way illegally into our politics, government and education in a counterproductive way. There is an unwritten religious test for office in America. No person who is agnostic could admit their true beliefs and ge elected. It is a condition of the office, the politiicians, particularly Presidents must 'feign Christianity' whether they believe or not. For example, when you compare the public proclamations of Jefferson to his private letters, we see that his public acceptance of Christianity was a political guise. He knew average citizens were believers and such principles were important to maintain. The great thinkers like Jefferson and Einstien knew better. They knew Christianity was a useful tool and basically, like I said, a set of principles based on a fairytale.
