When it comes to paying or not paying taxes, Trump is in good company. Always remember, he told us he paid very little in taxes. Why are we surprised?

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes


Back in April of 2016, nearly six months ago,  CNN Money reported that a  GAO’s analysis found that 24%  of profitable large corporations owed no income tax in 2011, 22 percent owed nothing in 2010 and 21 percent owed nothing in 2009.

The GAO analysis found that a primary reason given by "non-paying" corporations centered in the fact that legal deductions allowed for the reporting of losses in previous years,  exactly the circumstance for Donald Trump.  

In the years between 2008-2012, large corporations paid only 22 percent of their income in U.S. corporate income taxes after foreign, state, local taxes were included, a figure well below the 35 percent top corporate income tax rate.

In addition to the CNN report,  USA Today , also, reported.27 companies on the Standard & Poor’s 500 paid nothing in income taxes, 

In a report published in Midknight Review  (scroll down),  we have learned that the Clintons filed deductions of $700,000 on which they paid no taxes,  in their 2015 filing.  You should know that the Imperial Couple, also,  claimed more than 10 million dollars in business income,  a mystery to the thinking man,  knowing that the Clinton's had no job in 2015 outside the money they took from their so-called "charitable foundation."    In other words,  they were living off their charity collections !!!  Where is the outrage? 

GAO:  Government Accountability  Office


  1. 20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes - it's called corporate welfare. Provided to them by the same people who call charity to poor people and social security - 'entitlements'

    1. Its called "acting like a businessman." Its called "taking advantage of what congress has passed into law." Corporate welfare is when you teach in a government sponsored school and actually get paid for playing a guitar.

    2. This blog does not publish "news stories" from Newsweek, MSNBC, The Huffington Post and of the several Left Wing small time blogs.

    3. Do you feel that way about all music instruction (piano, violin, etc...), or is it just guitar that you dislike?

    4. My dislike is all about you, not what you play or pretend to be. Turn about is fair play.

    5. Commandment X: Thou shalt not covet

    6. Your whole life is a contradiction of terms. You love Iran and hate Israel, but think Trump is a bum for allowing the Iranian Bank as a leaser. You don't believe in the bible yet you quote it when it fits your rhetorical fantasies.

    7. Straw man argument. My girlfriend fled the Iranian Muslim takeover, was the target of religious persecution by the Mullahs. We need to help Iran overthrow those insane assholes. And yes, I don't care about Israel, they can take care of themselves. We don't need to pay them Billions each year just to be our 'friends' . And yes, you think the study of art/music etc... is 'welfare' ... how about getting a degree in a philosophy - loosely based on history - that claims the universe was created by some jew the Romans supposedly crucified 2000 yrs ago, where people believe in a text that speaks of unicorns, dragons, multi headed monsters, subjugating women and condoning slavery. Talk about a useful course of study.
