Why folks on the Right side of the aisle are going to [ultimately] ignore this lewd conversation . . . . and it has to do with the number "18."

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005  

As far as we know,  this was just lewd and rude talk.  Unless and until the Leftist media decides to prosecute (in print) Bill Clinton for his violation of 18 different women,  this blog is not going to run with this story. 

Juanita Broaddrick | Kathleen Willey | Paula Jones | Sandra Allen James | Eileen Wellstone | Christy Zercher | Carolyn Moffet | Helen Dowdy | Becky Brown | Regina Blakely Hopper | Monica Lewinsky | Elizabeth Ward Gracen | Gennifer Flowers | Connie Hamzy | Dolly Kyle Browning | Sally Miller (Sally Perdue) | Lencola Sullivan


  1. Access Hollywood said they have 'dozens' of tapes like this on Trump. It is who he is.

    He wants to grab your 19 yr old granddaughter by the pussy.

    1. That kind of talk only proves that you are no different, in terms of rhetoric, than Trump . . . no different at all. Can't beat him on issues. Can't beat him with her failures, lies and insubordination. Can't beat him with her own personal pile of trash. So she has the Marxist Media do it for her. All the while, morally empty folks like yourself are running their mouths as if they are on the high road. What a pathetic joke you all are.

  2. Tomorrow's headline:

    1. Too bad about the truth of my post, above, and the 18 women Bill has fondled while married to Mrs Strangelove. Time for a little contrition on Trump's part. Time for a little honest on Hillary's part.

    2. Desperate fool... deflect and rationalize Trump's character. Playing the Bill Clinton card is not going to help you now. Trump is the face of the GOP, he admitted to sexual assault, and you deserve every thing he brings to this election. You've earned it by your bigotry, poor judgement and lack of principles.

    3. Go to hell. You are a godless, self serving prick. You want to talk to me that way, fine. The bet is off and you should be glad you do not live next door to me. You support one of the biggest money-whores that ever walked the face of this earth, and you pretend you are better than me??? What a punk.

    4. You are judged by the company you keep. I predicted a man of your principles would welsh on the bet and I was right. Money whore? Like the guy who has made a living stiffing contractors, 3500 lawsuits for failure to pay?

    5. Listen you freaking piss ant. I am the one who reinstituted the bet and it would have continued except for that last comment of yours. If you think I am going to honor a bet with someone who feels free to brand me with 7 kinds of low life, especially when your life style epitomizes the very things you pretend to detest, well, it ain't going to happen. Having a bet with me does not give you card-blanc to call me all sorts of childish names. You are the one who has no principles. Too bad you couldn't keep your stinking mouth shut, when he came you opinions of me. The bet would still be on. But no. You have to talk like the dickhead you are. And no one with any self respect would act differently, no one.

    6. I would have never taken your money. I would have done with you the exact same thing I'm doing with two other people stupid enough to bet me on Trump. I am contacting their daughters or grand daughters and having them receive my winnings, but with with a mandatory explanation to them why their dad or grandfather would support a guy who cheated on all his wives, called women pigs, said he could grab women by the pussy because he was famous, bragged about his daughter's body, said it was ok to call her a 'piece of ass' and said he would date her. Since you're not honorable enough to pay a debt, perhaps at least I could ask your grand daughter to get this explanation anyway. You need to be accountable for your behavior.

    7. And I made it clear, when I re-instated the bet, that should you run your mouth, the bet was off. Could you keep your filthy mouth shut? Hell no. You cheat on your squeeze every time you sleep with her without a commitment. You get paid by the State to "teach." Your adult activity, playing your guitar and running, are about William telling the world, "Hey look at me. I really am somebody." You do nothing, in a personal way, to help the fallen and needy. You hold up a serial rapist in Bill Clinton while condemning the lewd talk of another. Action is more a point of guilt than talk and my adult children know this. In fact, our children are teachers, nurses, doctors, youth coaches, and legal aid to the needy. They are ALL servants of those who need help.

      I worked with kids at risk for 35 years, coaching and counseling without pay, because I care. And I give at least 400 dollars away, each and every month to folks who do not have it as good as I. Been doing that for years and years. My friends are of the same mindset. I belong to a group of men, about 35, real men Charlie Brown, who do more than I x10.

      So run your selfish pie-hole all you want. When you are dead and gone, no one will ever know you were here, except for your folks. But then, you don't care about that, since you have proven that your are "some body" with your guitar and exceptional track performance.

      There was a time when I had hoped to be friends. Now? You are a freaking waste. We have nothing in common including a "shared humanity."

    8. Who are you to judge me and my relationship when you endorse a guy who celebrates sexual assault? I have no need to boast about my contribution to peoples lives in my 28 yr teaching career. I don't do what I do to prove anything to anyone. The pursuit of excellence, whether I succeed or fail, is in my blood. It is who I am. I am where I am, and have what I have because of intelligent life decisions, pain, sacrifice, and hard work. There are generally 2 types of people - those that are given what they have, and those that have the talent and work ethic to earn it. Those that are the real deal don't have to convince others how rich they are, how successful they are, how they are the only ones that can solve your problem. Narcissists are inconsistent, fragile, shallow, and insecure. It's not hard to spot one. They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it, preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, superficial beauty or the perfect mate, require constant admiration, have a sense of entitlement, take advantage of others to get what they want, believe others envy them. Does that sound like someone who is running for president? Sounds like someone no one would want to be around. This guy would have zero friends other than those he could buy.

      The problem isn't Trump. His defeat will be a short term solution. The long term solution will be to improve this nation's educational and economic disparity, so that Americans will never again be so ignorant so as to promote a sick, racist, and truly ignorant individual like Trump who masquerades as someone who is knowledgeable and really cares about America. You, like many others, have been taken for a fool.

    9. Sorry, but your pursuit of excellence is all about your notoriety and nothing more. Who am I to judge? I will tell you. I am the guy you have spent nearly three years insulting, insulting my character, my intelligence, my values. I finally got tired of it. All you are dealing with, from me, is equal time, returning fire, me fighting fire with fire. So go to hell with your self-righteousness judgmentalism. Branding me a fool, as you often do, totally misses the point of what I am about, and it is an intentional deception on your part. You simply can't be that stupid when it comes to who I am and what I am about. My statement as to what I have been about, for all of my adult life is, at the same time, an accusation as to what you are not about and a much needed defense versus your dumbass accusations. You are the one who goes "personal" and I have decided to give it back to you in spades. You talk about political solutions, using words and ideas that are proven failures, words and ideas that are only about political power and dominance against the will of the people. Virtually all of Obama's agenda is demonstrably unpopular. Nearly 70% of the people believe the very popular Obama (on a personal level) is taking the nation down the wrong track. He and his party rule against the will of the people. Stalin-est without the killing. That is what you support. Finally, my "brag" comes after three years of reading your BS assessment of my character. If it was really a brag, I would have been talking about what I do over and over and over . . . . . you know, kind of like what you on your blogs with your performances per the guitar and on the track. You're the performer, not me. And what is my "brag" about? Me being personally involved with hundreds of folks with specific needs. Contrast that with what you are about. You do nothing for others, comparatively speaking, with your notoriety. "Look at me" is your obituary. You are one of those guys who "gave at the office" and, now, pretends to care about people. Next time you earn a medal, ask yourself, "Is this all there is?" The answer is obvious but you will miss the point as you continue to believe corporate (party) generosity supersedes individual involvement. Pathetic.

    10. This does not dignify a response. Suffice it to say, anyone who calls our next president a "money grubbing whore" and has espoused such racist hate for President Obama - suggesting he is "Muslim" and helping the terrorists... is simply unAmerican. The reason you are able to live well in your retirement is because of the economic success of Presidents Bill Clinton and now Obama.

      Question... What is the standard for being presidential? Can you imagine if Obama had talked about his daughter as a 'piece of ass'? Had 5 kids with 3 women? Boasted about sexually assaulting women, the size of his penis? Obama had to meet a much higher standard. They couldn't find enough wrong with him so they had to accuse him of being a Muslim, a non American. Ironic that the perpetuator of this racist birther conspiracy, which the Obamas have handled with dignity and class, does not have to meet the same high standard. It speaks more of Trump supporters than Trump himself. It's unAmerican. You are no patriot, quite the opposite.

      It's truly satisfying to see the GOP come apart due to their own deplorable base, and be on the right side of history. The polls never looked better for Clinton.

    11. Get this through your thick head: I do not oppose Barack because he is half black. I oppose him because secualar (non-religious) globalist, a hater of our Founding Fathers, a man who supports Islam at every turn, lies to the people as a matter of course, detests the conservative nation and back stabs anyone who is a threat to his domestic concerns. 32 Navy Seals were murdered in Afghanistan because his VP identified Seal Team Six as those responsible for the killing of bin Laban. Those are some of the 200 reasons I have for opposing him as a national leader . . . . none of which have anything to with race. You and your ignorant breeding-herd of malcontents charge "racism," but such is only a figment of your tin-foil capped fantasy.

      Trump is no marker for righteousness, but neither are Hillary and Barack. Before Obama, who could imagine a president who was also a crack head, a man who said "Amen" to "God damn America," and a leader promised out enemies, "I will be more flexible after the election." Obviously, Hillary approves of Bill's continuing and disgusting sexual behavior. 'Nuff said on that scene. So take your baseless and self-righteous propaganda elsewhere.
