GoFundMe refuses to help this couple. Here is a great alternative.

Let's help the Kleins through this hard time as they fight for religious freedom; which they are not just fighting for themselves but for all of us as our freedoms are threatened. They have been struggling financially ever since they were forced to close the doors of their bakery in 2013 as their income was basically cut in half. If they are forced to pay the damages to the lesbian couple they will be in much worse shape than they are now. They are pioneers in standing strong for the Lord and have been very courageous and steadfast throughout this whole ordeal. Please let's rally around them to help ease the stress of everyday expenses and unexpected urgent needs. Thank you for your desire to help the Klein family, they will certainly appreciate it.

Mission Statement:

Every American should be free to live and work according to their faith without the government punishing them for doing so.

Go to this site to give.  It is a good one.  I gave $50 this morning a challenge to you all.  


My comment to this couple:  

Make folks buy their figurines elsewhere (all customers) . Create a catalog showing all cakes you offer including a "rainbow" cake and make the point that you do not create custom cakes. Add a little too much sugar in the rainbow cake. The catalog presents your offering . . . . no custom cakes. Can you find someone to do your lettering.? Use "rainbow" colors that are not unique to either a rainbow or the gay marriage movement.  

The point of my advice is this:  the Court's can force you to serve gays;  it can't force you to be a custom shop if you catalog your product and make the offering to all customers, nor can it force you sell figurines or do custom lettering.     Me?  I wouldn't charge a gay couple anything for a rainbow cake, and if the cake was not tasty or was too dry or crumbly,  well,  it was free.  All I am saying is that the commies now in charge,  cannot order all aspects of your business.  There has to be ways to be compliant while still making an unannounced statement.  


  1. kill the gays - as it commands in the Bible!

    1. Sooooo, you're a non-practice Israelite? Me? I am a practicing N.T. evangel, the difference.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The above deletion is an article found in Salon, trying to tie capitalism to an American plot within the early evangelical movement to create a capitalist society. The article is silly and has absolutely no historical value, so I deleted it. Besides the fact that Salon is a Marxist rag, its agenda is one that can only be defined as anti-American . . . . . . . understanding that "America" is the historic reality given to us via our Founders. Anything other than this, is a fraud and cannot be (properly) called "America."
