This is a picture of an ornament appearing on the Obama Christmas tree on December of 2009.
That face? Chairman Mao, an Asian despot and Communist.
Since that '09 Christmas, there has been a ban on unauthorized pictures of the First Family's Christmas tree.
Anita Dunn
Left, and I do mean Left, is the most radical babe to be employed in the services of any U.S. pr
to this day. She believed that whoever controlled the media and the masses, controlled the political environment. Go to "Read more . . " to see the video of Dunn making her points.esident, and she was Obama's communications chief for the '08 campaign and his first year in office. She actually announced that Mao was one of her two mentors. She set up the policy of media management that is used by Obama,
Cass Sustein has been with Obama since their days teaching at the University of Chicago. He is a committed radical and anti-capitalist who has been made "czar" in charge of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. He believes in a "science" known as "behavioral modification through regulation and has written a book, recently, entitled Nudge. as to the the agency over which he has been placed, the Wall Street Journal had this to say:
In a significant, but little noticed, memo written 10 days after taking office, Mr. Obama ordered up a rewrite of how OIRA goes about its work, the first such revision since 1993. "Far more is now known about regulation -- not only when it is justified, but also what works and what does not," the president wrote. A regulatory review would make use of new tools and would "clarify the role of the behavioral sciences in formulating regulatory policy.
Few of us realized that at the time of his election, our national community organizer had a very detailed and involved plan dealing with a hurried "fundamental transformation of the United States of America." None of us realized that he came to Washington with an entourage of academic reformers in place, ready to go the moment he was sworn in. No doubt, he and and the others had discussed their transformational intent on many occasions, over the years. To demonstrate the extent of the web of influence we elected into the White House, Sustein's wife is a woman named Samantha Power, who is now a foreign affairs adviser to Obama. Elena Kagan, one of Obama's Supreme Court justices confirmed last year by the 110th Marxist congress, hired Sustein while she was Dean of the Harvard Law School. [Elizabeth] Warren, Kagan, Dunn, Sustein, Power, and Obama -- cronies all, and for years.
And the point of this post? Back at the beginning, writing about that Mao ornament? Some have objected to the photo as being fake. I say, who cares - there is no reason to believe that such an ornament would not be found on the Christmas tress, in view of the host of radicals running in and out of the White House. I do believe the ornament was actually on the tree for the simple reason that the single argument I found objecting to the claim is a recent article . . . . . . nearly two years after the original story broke and just when the campaign season is picking up speed.
I have included this commie babes discussion dealing with controlling the media. Again, she was Obama's communication director for years.
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