Buffet says the "rich should pay more." OK. So, start paying up !! What's stopping you?

Here is a headline to consider: The Country's Wealthiest Men: No, Really, Tax Us More!

Well, O.K. , but let's be certain we are talking about the nation's wealthiest, shall we. This nonsense of including those who make $200,000 before they give half of their money back in taxes, is moronic.

Understand that the folks who clear (we are talking about after taxes) less than a million dollars per year are at the top of the middle class. Our doctor, a general practitioner earns a gross of around $130,000 per year and clears $70,000. He is not "rich."

The head of a local E.R. unit makes around $280,000 per year but, after taxes, he clears $160,000. In other words, he pays $120,000 in taxes and owes $250,000 because of his schooling. He does not drive a $130,000 car. He doesn't own a million dollar mansion. He makes nothing off the stock market. His partnership group could lose their contract with the hospital tomorrow and this doctor would be in serious trouble.

Obama keeps talking about folk's "fair share" but never actually defines that allocation. For certain, he does not include himself when talking about paying "our fair share."

And what is done with this "fair share?" If we are talking about stimulus funds, it is paid to unions to balance out their legacy programs. Let's say that again; it is paid to the private unions of this country, unions who believe that non-union workers owe them money. Understand that hundred of billions of dollars went to union wages, retirement programs and union contracts at the same time almost no money was spent in the private sector.

The Stimulus did not work because only 3% of the money went to create infrastructure jobs. Rather than deal with the nation's economic issues, Pelosi (the plantation boss, in this case) decided to pay back all those folks to whom she and the Democrats owed money in exchange for election favors and support.

Now, when their resident slave needs to get re-elected, the Dems are more the liberal party than they were before the midterm . . . . . . . . . . . and Pelosi/Reid are unapologetic about it. Their stubborn Marxist resolve just might spell the end of Obama, come 2012.

Maybe Obama needs to reconsider just who his friends are.

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