While freedom fighters demonstrate in Iran, Obama sits on the sidelines and twiddles his thumbs.

2/11/10 copied
Today is the anniversary of the 1979 revolution that turned Iran into an Islamic republic, brought into fruition by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Our picture for the day records the gathering (in Tehran) of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of demonstrators protesting the present government. The demonstrations have been going on for months, since the last governmental election early in 2009.

Last week, two Iranians were hanged and seven more were arrested and charged with crimes against God (meaning "allah"). If convicted, these will be hanged as well. The brutality of the Government's response has done little to quell the demonstrations. In fact, of late, the demonstrations have been gaining in numbers. Understand that when the Iranian people gather for such demonstrations, they put themselves in harms way.

The irony of it all is seen in the arrest of the granddaughter of the father of the modern day Islamic republic.
The granddaughter, Zahra Eshraghi, and her husband Mohammad Reza Khatami, who is the brother of a former pro-reform president, were held for less than an hour before being released. To have pursued prosecution would have given the Iranian demonstrators even more resolve.

Iran is well on its way to becoming the region's first independent nuclear power, no thanks to the Obama Administration, which sits paralyzed on the sidelines, watching as one of the worst fears of Middle Eastern member states comes into reality. Understand that Arab nations as well as Israel oppose this evolving circumstance. Obama's ill advised respect for "national sovereignty" is nothing more than a guise in which he can hide his immaturity as a foreign policy diplomat. His theory of Muslim rhetorical appeasement has been a monumental failure. We are all less safe than before his election to office and his rehash that is failed liberal thinking regarding the maintenance of world peace.

Update: 6:01 am pst, it is being reported that Iran's president has just announced that his country is now "a nuclear power" ( reported by FoxNews).

One of the primary differences marking liberals as distinctly different from conservatives is the debate of this very issue. Liberals believe in "peace through appeasement" while conservative leaders believe in a "negotiated peace borne of military strength." This editor is 64 years old and has seen the failed liberal policy played out by both Carter and Clinton. Obama is determined to follow in this failed notion. He has unilaterally canceled defence contracts, set aside the European missile defense shield and is allowing Hugo Chavez to import more than 100 missiles into Venezuela.

We remember Obama's Cairo speech to the Muslim World and wonder why he bothered to take the time, especially in view of the fact that he did absolutely nothing in terms of a follow up. He has ordered the allocation of $900 million given to Hamas in Gaza to no avail. His Attorney General has recently spoken at a national gathering of CAIR, a pro-Islamic organization that has been red-flagged by the FBI !!!! In Obama's version of Homeland Security, headed by Janet Napolitano, a listing of terrorist and other aggravating entities was written up. It omitted mention of anything related to Islam - no mention, none, nada, zero. His Administration under Eric Holder's leadership, has even "pardoned" previously convicted Black Muslims.

Such nonsense gives rise to the rumors that Obama is a Muslim. Midknight Review does not believe that Mr. Obama has any deeply felt religious conscience, Muslim, Christian or otherwise. Instead, he is one of the most involved Existentialists of modern day presidents. While his daughters have experienced "Christian baptism" as administered by Jeremiah Wright, a Black Liberation theologian/minister, there is no indication that Obama believes in an indwelling and personal Christ. In fact, he has moved against faith based institutions, ordered the symbol for "Jesus, Savior" covered prior to a 2009 speech at the Catholic university, Georgetown, and specifically legislates against the "conscience" of members of the medical community. If he were an atheist (which he is not) , he would not act differently than what has been the case over the past year -- jds


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