Just another Rowland-Martin comedy routine from a whiner at CNN - a man named after a 1960's comedy show (?)

You should know that the headline for this CNN story is:

Time for Obama to go gangsta on the GOP

Roland S. Martin, a CNN political analyst, is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of "Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith," and the forthcoming book, "The First: President Barack Obama's Road to the White House." He is a commentator for TV One Cable Network and host of a one-hour Sunday morning news show.

(CNN) -- Civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer made famous the phrase, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired."

For me, I'm sick and tired of Democrats having power and being unwilling to use it. I've always respected Republicans when they had power because they were willing to use it and maybe apologize later.

Today, President Obama walked into the White House briefing room and took some questions, and one of them revolved around recess appointments.

He has watched Republicans block many of his appointments, and now he says he made it clear to them that he will "consider" making some when the U.S. Senate goes into recess.


Editor's notes: don't you love the hypocrisy of the Left. During the course of the 2009 legislative season, the Democrat party almost totally ignored the GOP and, now, this clown, apparently named after the 1960's comedy show, Rowland and Martin, wants Obama's '09 pro-partisan policy to be increased. Indeed, this Obama cool-aide drinker is dishonest as a news analyst and the worst kind of sectarian - one who has been given the power of the Media to spew verbiage that can only be described as "rhetorical mal-practice." He is angry that the GOP has any power at all and wants the Chief Chicago Tough Guy, our "president," to get tough on the those who try any thing in opposition to what is going on in D.C.

He pretends to respect the GOP at times, when, in point of fact, he has never supported the conservative legislative agenda. If his complaints were honest, he would be angry with the increasing division that has typified the Democrat party. Make no mistake, Obama got little done in '09 because of systemic and philosophical failings within his own party.

Look at the Democrat Party of today. It is filled with Marxist radicals, people who admittedly claim to be Marxist in opinion. There is no coherent plan for much of anything - certainly not the creation of jobs. It is vindictive and unbelieving when it comes to the Constitution. It pushes against religious freedom and moves to isolate matters of faith from the larger society. Since taking power in January of 2009, it (the Democrat Party) has made it clear that it cares nothing for the separation of powers or the two-party system.

When it comes to a review of their election into office, all we can say is "Buyer beware."


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