Kornheiser ( a real name) is a liberal sports caster and he is probably right -- who in the world likes Chris Matthews ??

Tony Kornheiser attacks MSNBC's Chris Matthews for attacking D.C. mayor

February 16, 2010, 12:47 pm by Bob Cusack

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Television and radio talk show host Tony Kornheiser is no fan of Chris Matthews.

Kornheiser on Friday lit into the well known MNSBC personality, saying, "Nobody likes Chris Matthews."

The former Washington Post columnist and ex-broadcaster of Monday Night Football took great exception to Matthews's criticism of Washington, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty for the district's response to the record snowfall last week.

On his radio show, Kornheiser gleefully read an opinion piece in the Post by Jo-Ann Armao that noted Matthews lambasted Fenty last week for running a "city that can't plow its streets."

Armao opined that "Matthews is even more unlikable than the mayor."

Kornheiser said, "That is a critical sentence. You won't find five people in the city who will disagree with that even though Fenty's numbers are tumbling and nobody likes him. Nobody, nobody likes Chris Matthews."

He later said, "Chris Matthews is the last person on Earth anybody believes because he is a yeller and a screamer," claiming it is ridiculous for the city to have streets plowed so soon after the biggest storm to hit D.C. in 88 years. end of text

Our point for posting this story is simply this: the radical Left is defeating itself. With Obama at the helm, the radical Left is in a death spiral when it thought, for a few months, that it had given conservative America a head shot from which it could not recover. The nation has been a right leaning country for decades. Nothing changed in that regard with the advent of Obama. That has a lot to do with the disgust that has grown to systemic.

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