Sometimes even good reporters get things wrong.

Republicans furious about timing of Bayh’s retirement announcement

By Sean J. Miller - 02/16/10 04:24 PM ET

Wow !! Sean Miller is a fairly conservative type, one whose articles appear in National Review OnLine, Christian Science Monitor, HotLine and the National Journal to name a few publications. But he really gets lost in the political forest with this headline. The fact of the matter is this: the Republicans could not be happier. Bayh was a strong candidate for re-election, one of a dying breed within the Democrat Party - he was a true moderate liberal. As it turns out, the straw that broke the camels back for Bayh was Harry Reid's unilateral decision to take down the bi-partisan $85 billion Jobs Bill, cutting out all of the Republican sponsored contributions to the bill, reducing the bill to a paltry $15 billion partisan piece of drivel. When Bayh decided to quit, he took time to call Obama but did not bother to tell or notify the hapless Harry Reid, adding emphasis to the fact of his displease with the dictatorial Majority Leader (Reid).

Bayh's quiting does not mean that the GOP is a "shoe in" for this Senate seat, but it certainly puts them in a better position than before the news of Bayh's retirement -- jds.

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