This Administration is all about "smoke and mirrors." Here is, yet, another example. What is this - our 14th example in three months?

Pay-go gets passed, then it gets bypassed
By Walter Alarkon - 02/16/10 08:33 PM ET

The ink is barely dry on the pay-as-you-go law, and Democrats are seeking to bypass it to enact parts of their job-creation agenda.

Democratic leaders said extensions of unemployment insurance and COBRA healthcare benefits should be emergency spending that isn’t subject to the pay-as-you-go statute, which requires new non-discretionary spending to be offset with spending cuts or tax increases. . . . . This year, facing record deficits and a debt that has exceeded $12 trillion, Democrats touted the new pay-go requirements as a necessary step to get spending under wraps. President Barack Obama signed the pay-go bill into law on Feb. 12 and Democrats are ready to waive those requirements to help get the economy going. end of text
This [the above] is a current article, written today, Tuesday the 16th. It is an article that comes from The Hill. You would think that the reporter could get his facts right, especially since his own publication reported on the deficit ceiling just days ago. . . . . it is not $12 trillion but a little more than 14 trillion dollars.
After you read the above article brief, ask yourself this question: why did they bother to take time to pass "pay go" when they had no intentions of playing by its rules?? And "pay go" does not cover all government spending, anyway. Not at all. About 40% of government spending is exempt, not including whatever Congress decides to ignore !!! What a joke.
Under the eight years of Bush 43, the national debt increased from 5.73 to 10. 7 trillion dollars. Obama brought the national debt ceiling to 14 trillion in just one year -- at the current rate of increase, Obama will add approximately 11 trillion dollars in eight years when Bush added 5.

Let's not forget that Obama once said (Spring of '09) , "All government spending is stimulus."
So why do the Libs not love Bush for his spending and why did the economy collapse after 8 years of Bush spending and 1 year of Obama -- if all that spending is "stimulus" ? Our point? The Chief Economist has no clue when he makes such ridiculous statements as the one just quoted. You do know that this administration has only 8% of its primary staff serving out of experience as members of the business community ??!! No President has had less than 30% of his staff selected from the private sector business community - Obama is the first with a near zero representation from the private sector. Obama and his intellectual pointed headed buds are all theorists - virtually all of them. No wonder he and his have no clue.

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