America declines into Marxism - the headline is from Pravda. They see Obama as a Marxist. Anyone disagree ?? We didn't think so .

Article # 2 from Pravda

America declines into Marxism

Editor's notes: if you think Obama is not about Marxism and the destruction of an America as we know it --- well, I want to say "You're an idiot !!" but, in fact, you may be one who just wants a job and you do not care who gives it to you. Obama is hoping that you keep thinking that way.

06/05/2009 [article]

I read today the article about the United States loosing it's freedoms. This article angers me a great deal. Especially coming from Pravda.Ru. I am particularly angry that there is not a single untruth in the entire article. The very idea of printing the truth. What has happened to the world when a Russian news paper lectures Americans on liberty and is completely correct.

06/08/2009 [article]

Will the US administration be able to recognize the rights of the Palestinian Authority to create an independent state? Will the US administration ever realize that the Muslim world is not a pack of cards which the USA can play to win the geopolitical leadership? Barack Obama did not say anything when Israeli troops were destroying residential quarters in the Gaza Strip during the Cast Lead operation in Palestine. Obama was as silent as a sphinx.

04/27/2009 [article]

The final collapse has come with the election of Barrack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe

Midknight Review is hoping that this post bothers you at the very least and opens your eyes to the challenge this nation is facing. There are different types of Marxists. There are Marxist socialist, Marxist tyrants, Marxist Communists, and in the case of Barack Hussein Obama, there are Marxist Black Liberaltionists. Those who care about freedom and Washingtonian style principles [as in George Washington] need to pursue Obama until he is gone from the American political scene. There are lots of great Black leaders -- Obama is not one of them --- jds.
pravada, Obama a marxist, pravda and Obama

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