Two articles from Pravda; See what the Russians really think of Obama and the drive for a Marxist America.

Article #1 from Pravda

Click on image to enlarge.

Poor old Russia. It is still angry that Reagan bluffed it into oblivion. One must keep that in mind anytime one reads a self serving article written by a Russian Communists. While Russia awaits America's destruction "from within," the rest of the world remembers the American defeat of Russia via mind control Reagan style (look Ma - no war and we still won !!!) . . . he he he.

Whoever this little commie author is, he knows little about the past American election. Perhaps he has forgotten that our expectations for Obama came from Obama, himself. We expected him to be a promise keeper because that is what he claimed to be. Turns out he was nothing of the kind.

You will note the author's use of a "seven year cycle," a little Russian fantasy dating back to the day they were actually a world power. There is no seven year cycle except in the Russian print media. Whatever.

The article claims that Obama "inherited" the current American mess [did Obama get his talking point on this issue from Pravda ?? -- just askin' ] when the truth is more to the point that he helped to create this mess, voting for all of Bush's budgets while refusing to revamp Social Security or move the nation away from the disastrous home mortgage polices (called "Affordable Housing") that brought this country to its financial knees.

From Pravda: Give Obama A Chance

President Barack Obama does not have a magic wand. Yet he is expected to be some kind of magician. President Barack Obama inherited one of the worst economic scenarios in the history of the planet. Yet he is expected to be some kind of guru. Do any of those attacking him with such venom in reputable international media outlets realise that an ideal political cycle (for implementation of policy) takes seven years, and not just one?

President Barack Obama inherited a hot potato. Not only was the United States of America’s image ruined abroad after war crimes in Serbia, the imperialistic Kosovo debacle, war crimes in the illegal war in Iraq and the decision to back the murderous war criminal Saakashvili in Georgia after 2,000 Russian civilians were murdered in the most blatant cowardly act of treachery…its economic infrastructure was at breaking point after eight years of the Bush regime and the banking and economic sectors were in free-fall.

So President Barack Obama inherited a broken nation, with a deplorable record abroad, with a need to rebuild bridges which had been systematically dynamited for eight long years with the arrogance and insolence of Messrs. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ms. Rice. President Barack Obama inherited an internal situation bordering on a nightmare, with thrift (mortgage) institutions bankrupt, millions of people unable to repay loans, companies closing, record levels of bankruptcies.

And people expected what? A circus act? A magician? A fairy godmother?. . . . read the remainder of this rather long article here.

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