Case closed. Hillary and Obama are the only ones who colluded with the Russians.

Subpoenas Target Research Firm Tied to Dossier...

WASHINGTON—A congressional committee has issued subpoenas targeting a research firm that compiled a dossier of unverified and unflattering information about President Donald Trump.
The subpoenas were recently issued by the House Intelligence Committee to employees at Fusion GPS, which performs research for political and corporate clients.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Fusion GPS worked with a former British spy named Christopher Steele to compile a 35-page dossier on Mr. Trump’s alleged ties to Moscow. The information contained in the dossier remains unverified and Mr. Trump has denied having any improper ties to the Russian government or Russian business interests.
The existence of the subpoenas was confirmed by an attorney for Fusion GPS and a Democratic aide familiar with the congressional investigation. The subpoenas were first reported by CNN.

They don't want to talk to the committee    . . . . . .  they have refused to appear,  have refused subpoena summons.  And they were the ones who invented the Steele Dossier for Hillary and the Dems.  

Obviously,  they are hiding something.  Obviously the Dossier they created is a lie or they would be perfectly willing to talk to our congressional committees.  

Case closed.  Hillary and Obama are the only ones who colluded with the Russians. 


  1. Question: If you don't think Bob Mueller is a patriot, did you see Independent Counsel Ken Starr as a patriot?

    1. I believe that Starr got away from his original charge. Clinton's tryst with Monica was never an impeachable offense. Mueller, on the other hand, has stacked the deck against Trump and is involved as a front-line jurist in taking down the duly elected federal government. I call that "unpatriotic."

    2. "We're not seeing 'leaks' out of the investigation as far as we know, and what we know of Bob Mueller and his background is that he is someone of total, rock-ribbed integrity. Everything I've seen is he's moving very aggressively and professionally,"
      -- Ken Starr, solicitor general for George H. W. Bush, Independent Counsel

    3. so Ken Starr, a person you hated when he was investigating Bill Clinton, is now an authority? Anything we know about what Mueller is doing, and you write incessantly about his progress, comes from leaks out of Mueller's office.
