The Wa/Post has participated in the creation of 2100 false or misleading stories since the first day of Trump

Washington Post:   President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

Editor's notes:  Nothing could be more of a partisan pile of chunkystyle barnyard than this Wa/Post headline.  Unknown to the Alinsky driven editors of the Post,  guys like me have been counting false, irrelevant, and misleading stories ourselves.  Total for 263 days?  1841 stories.  

It gets worse.  If you account for all 300 days of Trump,  you are looking at more than 2100 stories that could be labeled "Fake News."

Here is the funny part.  If you dismiss my count,  the Post's silliness can be dismissed for the very same reasons  . . . . .  exactly the same. 

So,  what has been proven?  More than anything,  that both sides hate and despise the other.  My complaint versus Obama had nothing to do with the fact that he was half white.  Rather,  that he was a New Age, European style Communist  . . . .  along the lines of his biological father.  

In the end,  it is clear that the GOP has moved into a more inclusive reality,  under Trump,  while the Democrat Party has dropped off into the abyss we call New Age Communism or European Socialism,  complete with a profound disregard for the US Constitution and much of anything having to do with "law and order."  

Trump has made a political career out of holding up respect for the flag,  law and order,  and Constitutional values.  Why is that?  Because the opposition no longer believes in these things, and,  under Barack and Michelle,  the Democrat Party has been fully exposed for its radical Leftist views.  

Did Trump come along too late?  We are about to find out. 


  1. "a more inclusive reality," .... getting behind a pathological liar?
    Daily lies documented with facts is a 'more inclusive reality?'

    1. Pathological liar? Let's talk Obama, shall we. Exactly what was true about any statement made by Obama regarding ObamaCare? What was true about the Iranian deal? What was truth when he pledged to followed the McCain/Feingold campaign finance pledge? What was true about him being the editor of the Harvard Law Review? What was true about his claim that during his reign of political terror, the world was more at peace that ever in human history? No red states, no blue states . . . . . what was true about any of that. Good grief. Trumps lies did not and do not affect his political accomplishments and goals. Barack's lies were all about politics and how he could fool the people which taking this nation down the rat-hole of European Socialism. What was true and accurate about "strategic patience?" Or his claim that he had emassed a 61 member coalition in three short weeks, or his numbers on global warming, or the lie that his war on coal would be good for the economy of this nation? Pathetic.

    2. Inclusive? Rather than rejecting a 3rd of the nation's blue collar working class, Trump has given them an ear and representation. In fact, this is the specific reason Trump won the election . . . . . and many of these folks are union people. He is changing the face of the GOP in a good way and has reached out to all ethnicities . . . . . and persistently so.
