NAACP is wrong about Jerry Jones' demands on his players

NAACP: Jerry Jones' anthem comments are 'tone-deaf,' violate Cowboys' constitutional rights

"This is not an issue about our flag, this is an issue about police brutality, racism, and the ability of members of the NFL whose communities are disproportionately impacted by police misconduct to peacefully say enough," said NAACP interim President and CEO Derrick Johnson. "This is not simply a Black issue due to the number of white people also killed by police, but we know historically that when justice occurs for African Americans, all other members of our society benefit as well."

Editor's notes:  

 First,  this NFL demonstration IS about the flag,  the National Anthem, and all that these represent.  Kaepernick made this statement in the beginning of his demonstration:  "This country has never been great for people of color."  We all know what the raised black fist means.  And,  there is no possible justification for Kaepernicks pigs looking like cops on his socks.  These angry,  white hating players,  gave Trump his issue.  Since he got involved,  they have tried to pretend that they are kneeling in prayer,  that they honor the flag and love this country.  In fact,  the demonstrations have grown to include many in the NFL who are actually trying to do the right thing,  but,  not before Trump has kick them to the curb.

Secondly,  everyone knows,  and I mean "everyone,"  that there is no freedom of speech in the private workplace.  That is a fact,  and I suspect the NAACP knows the truth as well.  

 Jerry Jones has violated nothing and the bigots at the center of the Black Power Movement (i.e. the NAACP) should do themselves a favor,  sit down and try not to make known their ignorance.  

 There really is nothing else to say.  Besides,  the Dems do not believe in the 1st Amendment as it is written,  anyway.   

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