Trump declares war on extreme environmental control:

Talking about the weaponization of environmental regulations in the Lefts' battle against Capitalism,  Trump makes this promise:     "We’re gonna make a very short process, and we’re going to either give you your permits or we’re not gonna give you your permits,” he said. “But you’re gonna know very quickly. And generally speaking, we’re gonna be giving you your permits. So we’re gonna be very friendly.”


  1. Who cares about the environment? Surely not a guy who lives his life in a way where he is obese and unhealthy. He doesn't have the discipline to take care of his own body, why would he care about the planet?

  2. sooooo, out of shape 71 year old fat guys can't care about the planet? Good grief. Look, Moron, caring about the plant has nothing to do with wealth redistribution. Try to keep up.
