The Obama/Holder/Kerry/Hillary crowd would put Tea Party groups on their "terror watch lists" when there has not been a single incident of organized violence such as what is common with the Left (per the story in the Hill).

Editor's notesvigilantism is the common,  everyday, Leftist  response to opposition speech.  "Occupy" was and is organized chaos built around the threat of violence.  The New Black Panthers preach hatred of the white man and the death of the "crackers;"   Al Sharpton and his bunch of morons are all about violence,  business burnings and killings (cops);  our national/socialist unions make use of violent thuggery with regularity; men like Bill Ayers,  Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Sharpton,  Jesse Jackson,  are exonerated from their criminal hate speech and the inciting of violence by the legal wing (Eric Hold and the DOJ)  of the Democrat Progressive Party;  Obama, himself,  uses a divided nation to stay in power as he tears down this once great nation; there is the Black Lunch crowd - a collective of racist blacks bent on hating those who are not members of their group;   the Environmental Movement is is centered in violent action against those who would dare to cut down a tree or burn fossil fuels or work in industries not approved by these admitted Marxists;  doomsday  science has been used to ban such things as DTD,  and, in the wake of such decisions,  millions have died (in Africa and the rain forests) because they are no longer allowed to fight such threats a malaria.  

The Hill
A family-owned pizzeria in Indiana closed on Wednesday following backlash over its support of a controversial religious freedom law.
TMZ reported that Memories Pizza is suspending its business operations amid uproar over the state’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  Owner Kevin O’Connor said vitriol toward his restaurant was so intense it was closed until further notice. The eatery began receiving threatening phone calls and social media postings after revealing its support for the law earlier this week.
After notes:  Understand that my use of  "Utopian" and "Alinsky" and "Marxist"  are all terms that depict what these people proudly claim to be,  behind closed doors and back at Harvard.  I went to college with these clowns in the late 1960's,  and they all proudly claimed to be Marxists.  Now,  when it works against them in terms of election politics,  they pretend to be insulted.  

Just know that I am not "calling them names."  They have studied political utopian theory,  Alinsky social reform theory and Marxist "we are all one" theory,  and are not making millions off their "idealism."  Hypocrites of the worst order,  all.  


  1. right wing terrorists - a growing concern - documented here:

  2. I can come up with as many examples of violence from the Left in one year, as you have in this comprehensive article since the 1990’s. . . . . . . in one year.

    Big difference, alsp, between your examples and mine. Your examples do not frame a rebellion coming from the Tea Party or, in anyway, sponsored by the GOP or its leadership.

    My examples prove the Democrat Party under the leadership and control of the Obama’s and Eric Holder, to be a political party in open rebellion to the peoples and laws of this land.

    Think about these examples, off the top of my head: 15 city-wide riots by Occupy, costing hundreds of millions of dollars and the lives of several demonstrators and innocents, since Ferguson; cop killings (i.e. the two NY cops murdered in their car by a member protester of the Ferguson riots) that have put our nation's police force on alert; the pizza parlor incident in Indiana just yesterday; the man nearly beaten to death on a commuter train, three days ago -- and there are some 40 such incidences PER WEEK of Left wing/black violence against the so-called privileged community -- that's more than 2000 individual incidences of violence per year committed by small bands of Leftist cowards assaulting folks who play no role in the political crap of our times; the Lunch
    Rebellion - 40 of them in the past two weeks – Democrat voters charging into restaurants and harassing the cliental during lunch breaks; three states (Washington, Maryland, New York), hoping to destroy the economy of Indiana via boycotts, rather than dealing with the problem via our court systems . . . . all three are acts of terror against another state; 360 individual cases of the persecution of conservative groups by the IRS, provable, undeniable and criminal.

    So how many have I mentioned? Let's see, 2000 + 360 + 15 big city riots by Occupy costing billions of dollars + the murder of 5 cops and the wounding of 15, that I been in the news over the past three months +the 40 Lunch Rebellion demonstrations . . . . . . all of which have been committed by MAINSTREAM Democrat Utopian voters without a hint of prosecution from the DOJ or any serious effort by the Muslim Brotherhood/Al Sharpton lovING, Barack Hussein Obama. So take your little commie Southern Poverty Law Center list and blow it out your ears. We have our "wingnuts," but it is your party that is guilty of structured rebellion against cities, the business community, our law enforcement agencies, and the very rule of law . . . . . these are the things that define your party. Not even close to the same, with the GOP.

  3. ramblings from a delusional fearful racist.

    according to you, the lunch counter sit ins and the march on Selma would be classified as 'terrorism'

    1. Another Liberal lie, plain and simple. I supported the Civil Rights Movement as a young collegiate. The Selma march was critical to the movement and advanced the cause for civil rights. The lunch counter demonstrations cost business money, cast fear into the lives of those in the given restaurant, are designed disrupt business, and, does nothing to advance whatever in the hell these clowns think they are doing. Yes, the former was critical, the later is nothing but soft-porn terror, period.

      And, still, your Democrat Party is the party of chaos, violence and hatred directed at the military and our nation police force . . . . not to mention the mass destruction caused by the environmental maggots and the anarchists who have taken over your party. You and your buds are the "enemy within." And the last three election cycles have proven your party's unpopularity.

      And now, your leaders are crafting an agreement that only benefits Iran against all of the Middle East nations including Israel . . . . no doubt the result of the fact that Valarie Jarrett was born in Iran.

    2. You say 'born in Iran?'.... like Goli Ameri, G.W. Bush's appointee to head of the United States delegation to the United Nations General Assembly - born in Iran? Or like Hushang Ansary, ranking member on the National Finance Committee of the Bush-Cheney 2004 Presidential Campaign - a billionaire and devoted Republican - born in Iran? Or perhaps like Faryar Shirzad, who served on the staff of the National Security Council at the White House from March 2003 through August 2006, as a special assistant to President GW Bush?

    3. I am saying that Jarrett was born in Iran. Just trying to find a reason why Obama supports Shira Law, the Iranians over all other nations in the Middle East, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and the destruction of Israel. Why is that, Slick?

    4. Still waiting for an answer or are you too busy studying the Koran to find the time?

  4. Smithson's bigotry revealed once again

    1. Strange commit since the documentation for my charges against the unAmerican idiocy that pretends to be Democrat Party is as comprehensively established as it is. No one who loves America wants to fundamentally change America, period. No one who loves America wants to govern beyond the powers allowed by our Constitution. No one loves America who claims that we are not and never have been a Christian nation or that Islam has played a substantial role in the creation of this nation. No one loves America who sides with our enemies, decimates our military and denies our exceptionalism as a shining light in a world of comparative darkness, and no one loves America who defends such traitorist actions. No, the bigots are those who would encourage riots, civil unrest, the murder of our cops, and the social destruction of entire ethnicities (the blacks, for example and what the Progressives have done to destroy their family unit and de-educate them in a world in which they can no longer compete - all thanks to the war on poverty).

  5. Anonymous has written a post that will be published sometime on Monday. It is fairly substantial and I just don't want to take time, during the Resurrection break, to deal with it. In fact, I might post the comments as a article, rather than in the "comments" line. For its author, it is your comment that begins with ""No one who loves America wants to govern beyond the powers allowed by our Constitution." Except the Republicans:

  6. Publish it now, let people decide on it's own merits, and links without your rationalizations and name calling.

  7. So you want to be the only one "rationalizing" her position? Not a chance. Your request frames exactly what is wrong with your Marxist style of discussion: silence the opposition and then, we can debate.

  8. You said this comment would be posted Monday. It's Tuesday. You either lied or shriveled due to cowardice, which is it?.

    1. You're such a punk. I am going to post it, but not in this comment line. It is already too long. Look for it tomorrow or the next. BTW, my use of "Monday" (as in "I will post it Monday") was metaphorical, so lying and/or cowardice are out. And just for the record, as to me being a coward: you scare me like I am afraid of getting syphilis
