Yes !!! The crowd was really huge. Hail to the lying media.

Update: See the article and CNN pictures proving the size of Trump's crowd at :

Picture of the Trump crowd at time of swearing in.  Crowd size estimated at between 1.2 and 1.5 million.  Counting Neilsen's 30 million viewers and CNN's 16 million but not counting FoxNews streaming,  and social media,  Trump had a viewer audience of more than 46 million.  Previous record was Reagan with 41 million. 

Pic on left is the Obama crowd,  1.8 million.  Pic on right is 6 hours before the top picture of the Trump crowd.


  1. Both photos above were taken exactly 45 min before the swearing in.

    You are easy to fool and so easy to spread fake news. Here are the sources of your fake photos:

    HERE IS THE ENTIRE DAY of Trump's inauguration on time lapse video.

    Who believes in Trumps paid actors and cheering sections that he takes with him to appearances? Who believes fake news about his crowd size? Who believes props like tables full of blank folders?

    Smithson, living in a delusional world.

    1. My posted picture at top of post was taken by a professional photographer. None of the scenes in the snoopes article include the photo in my post, above. The YouTube version of the day was spliced in three or four places, going from a growing crowd to - suddenly - a smaller crowd. Sorry, but fake news pictures that are CLEARLY doctored do not work, here. Finally, the debate is the size of the viewing audience, not the size of the crowd in the Mall.

      Again, Reagan held the previous record for viewership, at 42 million. Neilsen posted a 30 million viewership on 12 networks and CNN added another 16 million, and that, ladies and gentlemen, gives Trump the record.

    2. Delusional. You think Mike Wallace of Fox News was lying? You can't see the back from your photo angle. The time lapse changed camera angles... it was a totally accurate representation as were the official park service photos -- which the Trump admin shut down out of embarrassment. Again, totally delusional. Fake news brought to you by Newscorp.

    3. I think Mike Wallace is a "Never Trump" journalist. We just got the evening news paper (Teh Sacramento Bee). It has the same picture of the inauguration on its front page as this blog has at top of scroll.

      You act as if the only thing that matters is the size of the Mall crowd. What about the 46 million viewers of the inauguration? That doesn't matter . . . . only the Mall crowd. Kind of silly, no?

  2. HAHAHA...!!!!!n Fake news from a Murdoch News Corp source. "" They might be able to get away with this type of lie in Australia.

    So easily fooled. Old people who look at Newscorp websites and want so badly to believe the lies... what would you expect? Putin's people.

    1. The above Anonymous comment is what passes for "intellectual Left wing commentary," folks. And I have to read pages of this drivil every single day. And this is the best. Most of the remaining commentary is full of filthy trash talk, like that is going win the minds of intelligent people. The GOP is changing its face, with the blessings of this blog and millions of Americans. Can anyone say, "Bye bye Dems?"

  3. Says the guy who doesn't believe in the scientific fact of evolution and thinks climate change is a hoax. We should expect a post like this.

    1. . . . . . . says the guy who believes men can become women, who doesn't understand the difference between global warming and regional warming, and believes in "scientific" polling data . . . . . all of which was wrong. Move on. Trump is Obama's legacy. Get used to it.

    2. "says the guy who believes men can become women,"

      Show us an example of where I said that or admit your LIE. Do it.

    3. Soooo, Joyce really is John? You believe that? Your buds in the Democarat party don't. In fact, they wanted to criminalize my opposition to "reassignment."
