So, we read a headline, and I am talking about any headline, and we think we have all the necessary facts.

David Voreacos / Bloomberg:
Kushner Investors Said to Be Subpoenaed by U.S. Tax Authorities  

Editor:   So,  we read a headline, and I am talking about ANY AND ALL headlines,  and we think we have all the necessary facts.  

I have been blogging for nearly ten years, now,  almost every day  as a matter of fact.  Before that,  I was a retired builder with a college degree in psychology.  What I was not:  a writer.  In the beginning,  all I had was a decent instinct for what was between the lines  . . . .   better than most but not as profound as many.  

I actually knew nothing about the world of Presidential politics,  how its rules of engagement actually worked,  how those rules set the presidency apart from the other two branches of government,  making it,  the presidency,  the single most powerful position in the world   . . . . .  maybe in the history of the world.  

During the Obama years,  I came to realize that a president could function as a dictator and do so legally.  The Left often talks about Trump,  the dictator,  when,  in point of fact,  Barack was our first and only Rough/Dictator president.  One could put FDR in that category,  as well,  except for the fact that he held the office in highest respect and functioned within Constitutional guidelines. and Barack lied with impunity.  

"Impunity" means he could look the folks in the eye of the camera,  and say,  If you don't like what I am doing (words to that affect),  "sue me."  In fact,  The Hill carried this article within days of that crase remark:

Ten quotes: Obama's journey from 'yes we can' to 'so sue me' | TheHill
Jul 4, 2014 - President Obama has gone from “yes we can” to “so sue me.” The president's standoffish remark this week about a Republican lawsuit was a reminder of how much Obama's rhetoric has changed since his 2008 campaign and its promise to deliver a new kind of politics. These ten Obama quotations ...

Out came his pen and his phone,  and away we went,  writing one regulation after another,  ignoring Supreme Court decisions (oh yes he did),  convinced, that his "transformation" of America could be realized apart from the Halls of Congress. 

The most disturbing aspect of my evolution from building to pundit,  was the realization that I really never understood what was actually going on.  I mean,  over the years, I had voted for one politician after another,  who promised transparency and a reduction in the size of government.  And with that protracted effort,  on my part,  I watched a federal government grow and grow without so much as a change in pace,  except for the Reagan Days,  and even that was not what was hoped for.   

Barack opened my eyes to the fact that he was only taking the existing rules of presidential engagement to their legal conclusion(s).   Before Barack,  I did not know that George H Bush was a progressive politician,  that the pejorative, "trickle down," was his phrase to describe much of what Reagan had done,  that he was not a Reagan Republican  . . . . .  not even close.  Hell,  his friendship with Bill Clinton, and the sad notion that Bill and GW were brothers with "different fathers,"  was always repulsive to me   . . . . .  until I realized what that actually entailed.  Affordable Housing was/is supported by the Bush clan.  It was under GW that the abortion pill, RU 486 was approved,  and it was Jeb Bush who stated that, if president,  he would not eliminate a single federal agency.  

Turns out that Trump is a big time businessman,  and, like most - if not all - world class businessmen,  played loose with the rules  . . . . .   no different than any other politician.  This does not mean that he actually violated any rules,  btw.  Which brings me to Kushner.  He is a a world class business type,  as well.  

I believe that Mueller realizes that bringing down Trump is an impossible task,  that there was no collusion,  and the only way to save his legacy as a persecutor,  is to take down someone like Kushner.   

One thing for certain,  NONE of us have a clue as to what is really going with this investigation.   

Now you know  . . . . . . . .  next to nothing.  



  1. Good news, both Gates and Bannon are cooperating with Mueller. Gates is close to a plea deal and Bannon spent 20 hours talking with Mueller in the past few days. No telling how many White House staff are cooperating, wearing wires, etc...

    It's coming...

    1. The sky is falling, the sky is falling . . . . . ever read that story? Its about you and your Democrat buds. None of what you write has a basis in fact.


  2. The publicly available evidence is nothing compared to what investigators have seen.

    1. While your comment is a sure bet, you don't seem to believe your own rhetorical bullshit. You are the conduit between me and the world of Mueller. Serious mental illness has you denying this, but facts are facts. ALL of your rather comprehensive comments are meaningless tripe and unbelievable for that reason. You know nothing of which you speak, nothing, or it all would be front page news every day, all day long.

    2. Well... maybe you should look at the front page right now... how's the 'witch hunt' LIE working for ya?

    3. Hey, Moron, the witch hunt was and is about Trump being a secret Russian agent. Nothing related to that was included in the indictments of 16 out of country Russian, people who conspired to influence but were not successful.

      Trump was not indicted, Moron, nor his campaign per se. The 16 Russians went after Trump, Burney Sanders, and tried to help Hillary's campaign with an anti-Trump demonstration in New York. You really don't listen to the news, do you. Grow up.

    4. Oh... it's coming... you know it is. Rosenstein made it clear that this indictment does not affect Trump or staff... so he buys time for Mueller and solidifies his job security.


      The longer the investigation goes on, the more Trump staff will cut deals and or be indicted. This leak by Mueller was deliberate. He didn't have to publicize this indictment, but he has now taken control of the situation to dispel the Trump 'witch hunt' LIE. There is NO way he'll be fired at this point. YOU said it was a lie that Bannon is cooperating. Guess what? Bannon is cooperating. You've been wrong 100% about everything regarding this issue and soon you will be humiliated by your support of this criminal regime. Trump is going down. FACT

      Russians successfully affected the election...

    5. Your story has change. Back in the beginning of the Democrat fantasy, Trump was a Russian agent, in tight with Putin, overtly working to give him the election outcome and estahlish a coup. THAT was the witchhunt, Moron.

      The "witchhunt" was never about the Russians trying to influence our election and/or cause confusion. Never. Never. Rosenstein blew your theory all to hell and back, period. Rosenstein was never going to be fired, so your point #2 is a little silly. Bannon cooperating? No he is not, if by "cooperating" you imply that he is about to flip on the President. All of this means I have been demonstrably right 100% of the time (you may need to look up that "demonstrably" word).

      The NBC fake news item you included for the umpteenth time, is in stark denial of all that Rosenstein said today, or the testimony of the 7 agency heads.

  3. Trump tweets today:
    “Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President.”

    Trump tweets in 2014:
    "if I run for PRESIDENT, with the haters and losers vote for me knowing I will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?"

    1. You really can't think critically, can you. For starters, the Trump quote is not an announcement, and who the hell believed he would ever win the presidency? Answer: NO ONE including the Russians.
