Obama expresses his total isolation from intellectual reality with these "lessons learned" from the Orlando massacre:

Obama expresses his total isolation from intellectual reality with these "lessons learned" from the Orlando massacre:

"  . . . .   we need the strength and courage to change” our attitudes toward the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community."

This terror event is " . . . . .  a reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship or in a movie theater.

Editor's notes: 

In the first quote,  Obama sees a moral equivalency between the demonstrable hatred of people who are gay versus political opposition to the militant ideology of an American gay community that would force its opinions on others.  Barack's comment is a preposterous misrepresentation of the American Right.  ISIS and international Islam practices honor killings and the capital punishment for gays.  The Orlando event was a targeted massacre by a radicalized Islamic terror group, and, was in obedience to Sharia Law.    It was not an expression of partisan politics and it is criminal to suggest otherwise.

Obama has never been a man committed to national unity and this rhetorical nonsense is proof of that fact.

The second quote is even worse in terms of what Obama knows about gun control possibilities and Islamic terror's commitment to the murder of all who disagree with its Sharia brand of Islam.  The killer in Orlando was a security guard,  with a legal permit and a member of a very respectable international security agency. His guns were all legally purchased and NOTHING the Left currently proposes as "gun control" would have prohibited the purchase of the weapons used in the massacre   . . . .   absolutely nothing including taking guns out of the hands of the private gun-owner community.    To add to this verbal stupidity is the fact that Barack Hussein knows what I am saying is true. 

Understand that while the Left pretends to support "gun control," their ultimate goal is the abolition of private gun ownership,  even for self defense.  That is the ultimate goal. 

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