An introduction to the New Midkight Review - standing in opposition to the phonies in the New Progressive Party, as well as the pretenders in both the Tea Party and the GOP.

I have decided to back off my decision of two days ago,  to abandon politics,  outright.  Instead,  this blog is being rededicated to the task of exposing all political parties,  especially the GOP and the so-called "Conservative Movement."  

Understand that I have not moved to the Left.  Rather,  I have abandoned those political functionaries  that promised a move to the Right but have proven to be no better than the Democrat Socialists they pretend to oppose.  My "original post" (here) remains true to my point,  except that in the future,  I intend to be fierce in my opposition to the  published opinions of the Left and the Right, and, those institutions that have been leading us around by the nose for    . . . . . . .   for   . . . . .  for ever.   If you are a Lefty,  you will not find a happy home here.  BUT,  neither will you feel welcomed here if you tout teaparty B.S.,  or,  the GOP crap that comes from behind closed doors and proves most within its institution to being impostors to their own claims,  men and some of the women folk,  who have dedicated themselves to fooling the Conservative American electorate since the days of Barry Goldwater.  J Smithson,   6/10/16. 

Editor's notes:  If the above decision costs me "market share,"  I am fine with that in view of the fact that I have worked this blog for eight years,  now,  and have not taken a dime for my full-time effort.  You don't like the new me,  go play your silly/ill-informed game(s) somewhere else.  

Targets of my wrath are included in the following script:  

The New Progressive Democrat:  these are folks who do not come from the ranks of Woodrow Wilson-FDR Progressive Movement.  Rather, these folks give honor to the Marxists of this world,  unlike Wilson and FDR.  Add to this,  all of the following:

a. Hillary Clinton:  She actually worked for Saul Alinsky and wrote an over-all complimentary paper on the man,  while in college.  I have that paper in my personal library.  A very intelligent lady with no political soul what-so-ever.  She could be great,  but,  first,  she has to grow a heart. 
b. Elizabeth Warren: As phony a political leader as exists.  She pretended to be of American Indian decent in order to get into Harvard,  and,  to this day,  has not admitted her (proven) lie.  She sat as chairman of the oversight committee for TARP,  while that legislation was used to filter trillions of dollars back to Big Banking (7 to 24 trillion depending on which report you read.  "Google" TARP 7 trillion dollars and you will see what I am talking about).  
c. G.W. Bush:  a man I have spent more than a decade defending. 
There were WMD's.  The NYTimes and others have admitted such and I employed a man who worked in Iraq for three years,  as a civilian contractor,  whose only job was the disarming of those weapons.  You  did not hear about that because the weapons were,  for the most part,  manufactured and sold by the United States of America.  Bush and his GOP Congress,  crafted legislation that approved the so-called "abortion pill,"  (RU 486),  and sided with the New Progressives and their Affordable Housing agenda.  Except for the Iraq war,  and it is a major exception,  there is/was little to separate him from Bill Clinton   . . . . .  the war and the fact that Bush knew how to keep zipper up.

d.  Glenn Beck:  an idiot who thinks everyone is a progressive except himself,  and recently agreed, that Donald Trump may need to taken out by a private citizen.  He, also,  thought Ted Cruz was appointed by God. Moron. 
e. Ted Cruz:  an uncompromising man who loves the sound of his own nasally voice,  and gets nothing done in the Senate with his nauseating brand of teaparty politics.  
f. The Tea Party:  these folks can't get out of the way of their so-called "conservative principles,"  while,  at the same,  running to the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  Sarah Palin,  Mark Levin,  Sean Hannity,  all abandoned core principles in their support of Trump/Cruz.  The biggest change I am making, as of today, is my move away from the feckless teaparty movement.  It is a movement  no more.
g.  The Evangelical Right:  I am a Reformed Theologian by avocation,  and have been at war with the Evangelical Church for decades   . . . . . . . .   while attending a Southern Baptist fellowship that accepts me and allows for my opinions.  Go figure.  You might not know this, but,  Romney lost the 2012 election because the Evangelical Right stayed home as it collectively refused to vote for a Mormon.  
h.  Boehner, McConnell,  Trump, Cruz, Chris Cristie, Reid, Pelosi, Barack Obama, Hillary,  all a part of the national leadership that will lie to your face while pretending alliance to a political something that is larger than themselves.  Pathetic hypocrites, all   . . . . . .   and there are more of these types, hiding in plain sight.  
i.  Supreme Court:  A political body undeniably moving to the Left   . . . . . . . . .   and by "undeniably,"  I mean to imply an irresistible move to the Left.  The only faithful members of this panel of judges include Justice Scalia and Clarence Thomas.  
j. Donald Trump:  A blowhard who can't stop sounding like a self-serving buffoon and father of a great family of adults offspring  (hey,  they are not children anymore). 

Finally: folks and institutions I sill respect,  even admire,  include Newt Gingrich,  Carly Fiorina,  Scott Walker,  Rush Limbaugh and Hugh Hewitt (for different reasons), Heritage,  the NRA and its president,  Wayne LaPierre (a hero in my book), the fighting force that is our men and women in the military minus some of their compromising leaders and generals (when a leader supports Obama's "rules of engagement,"  I believe that leader to be a dirt bag). 

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