Why I am done with the GOP and politics in general . . . . including this blog. See ya, comrades.

 Update:  I have decided to back off my decision to abandon politics outright.  Instead,  this blog is being rededicated to the task of exposing of all political parties,  especially the GOP and/or "Conservative."  Understand that I have not moved to the Left.  Rather,  I have abandoned those political functions that promised a move to the Right and have proven to be no better than the Democrat Socialists they pretend to oppose.  The following "original post" remains true to my point,  except that in the future,  I intend to be fierce in my opposition to the  published opinions of the Left and the Right, and, those institutions that have been leading us around by the nose for    . . . . . . .   for   . . . . .  for ever.   If you are a Lefty,  you will not find a happy home here.  BUT,  you will not feel welcomed here if you tout teaparty B.S.,  or,   the GOP crap that comes from behind closed doors and proves most within its institution to being impostors to their own claims,  men and some of the women folk,  who have dedicated themselves to fooling the American electorate since the days of Barry Goldwater.  J Smithson,   6/10/16.

Original Post  (written the morning of 6/8/16)

Why I am done with the GOP and politics in general   . . . .   including this blog.  
1. Understand that this Republican congress gave aid to Barack and his scandal ridden ObamaCare legislation by postponing the 40% tax on union policies that off special features in their insurance offerings. We should have heard loud protests with regard to this tax this election cycle. Instead, the GOP gave Obama a pass (Spring of 2016) and finished nailing the coffin shut on ObamaCare opposition. They effectively took the #1 Negative against ObamaCare off the table as they continue to pretend they oppose the bill. Crap.
2. GW Bush and his GOP Congress, back in 2005, legalized the RU 486 "abortion pill" and did so without a peep from the party that pretends to be anti-abortion.
3. GW and the GOP Congress supported the Democrats in their Affordable Housing agenda that gave us the 2008-2009 recession . . . . . another big big disappointment. 
4.  Virtually all of those I have trusted have proven themselves to be as unprincipled as the best in the Democrat party.  
There are other reasons, but these are killers for me. I no longer care who wins the coming election. Besides, I am enjoying a return to my biblical studies agenda.  

See ya, comrades.


  1. You better care, you have $150 riding on it.

    1. I don't care. And my word is my bond. Hope that is true with you. I think it is.
