We will never live in this evil world without war. It is as permanent a reality as is the existence of the poor.

The Telegraph:    The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

Editor's notes:  Apparently Obama is using the excuse of Iranian sovereignty to avoid arming forces that have proven success against ISIS. 

Never mind the sovereignty of Libya,  Isreal,  Yemen,  Somalia,  Honduras,  Poland,  Egypt,  or the Czeh Republic   . . . .   Update:   or Pakistan where Obama runs his drone program contrary to the wishes and sovereignty of that nation's government.  

The ugly truth of the matter, America is being run by cowards who could not care less for the non-ISIS/al Qaeda/ Taliban populations of the world.  While our Resident WH Clown guards against "collateral damage,"  he has allowed the deaths of some 300,000 since he declared a red line in Syria.  How mentally ill is that?


  1. If someone calls you out to fight, and you do not show up, peace is the result. Its kind of that simple.

    1. Your view might work in a 3rd grade playground setting, but if an ISIS killer and rapist calls you out, and you hide in your house, he will only come in and kill you, anyway. Surely you know this.

      Idealism and conversation and cookies never work with those bent on your physical destruction. But, hey, let's sacrifice those killed by this murderous Islamic sect and call that peace. Bet you hope you are not one of those lead to the altar of peace at any price.

    2. If we are all one, as the Progressive pretend, don't we have an obligation to protect those who cannot protect themselves? Isn't that fair? And isn't it "fairness" (as you say) that drives Obama . . . . . . or is he just another pretender?

    3. Your point is the contraction that the Progressive Flower Power crowd does not see. Sending James Taylor, for gawds sake, to France to sing "I'll be there" is as silly an idea the Flower Children have ever had, dating back to the 1960s, which is where these clowns came from. And then watching Kerry slightly swaying back and forth with his eyes closed, as if in worship is as scary a memory as I have had to deal with in years. Just a bunch of idealistic jerks. But their time is coming to an end.
