If you celebrate American Exceptualism this 4th, hats off. If you don't, get the hell out of our country . . . . after all, we invented this country, not you. Have a nice day. (no article)

Update on "Excepturalism" in the headline:   I have receive more than one reminder that this is not a word.  See "comments" for a defense,  but think about this:  Maybe a fantasy word that does sound plausible as a word, will attrack more attention to a particular post than a bikini covered Kate Upton.  I mean,  the "share value" for this post is at 38.  A 40 share is our primary goal for any post and a 20 share is one that is well attended by the readership. (I have a post,  written to explain why I believe in Jesus that has a 700 share, btw).  

The 13 Colonies hoped to create a nation "with liberty and justice for all."  There was/is no nation on earth with this same original and collective desire   . . . . .   none. 


  1. And there are a lot more of us Blacks that agree than you might believe. We simply must end this debate before we actually start shooting each other. Besides, you got us outnumbered :-)

    1. America is great precisely because of its diversity, ethnically and philosophically. You don't seem to understand that. You pretend that lock ideology is somehow "freedom" and the mark of greatness. Ridiculous.

    2. Actually, the last comment, above, is not true. Our greatness allows diversity, our greatness is not because of diversity. And, we had quite a battle arriving at the kind of diversity we see today. None of the triumphs made since 1776 would have ever happened if not for the grand ideas set forth in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence. Our nation is a grand experiment for which there simply is no equal. All of Progressive ideas have been tried in other societies and proven to be failed ideas, apart from military force. The American concept of governance is an unique idea. The uniqueness is the very reason mistakes were made, in our past.

      Your last sentence is, indeed, ridiculous, but only because you frame my comments in your particular bias. That last sentence has nothing to do what I teach as reasons for greatness and American Exceptionalism.

  2. Hey genius, what dictionary did you find the word "exceptualism" in?

    It is not even a word.


  3. If we are so exceptional, why is our education system is mediocre? Compared to about 65 other countries, American 15-year-olds rank in the middle on reading and science know-how, and below average on math.

    The United States spends far more money than any other nation on healthcare—even on a per capita basis—but gets worse results. The average U.S. life expectancy of 70 ranks 27th. America ranks high in infant mortality and in the incidence of respiratory disease. It's also the most obese industrialized country on earth.

  4. Educational demise? Why? You tell me. You guys have been in charge for 30 or 40 years. we invent most of the cures and create more medication, but American Excepturalism has not nothing to do with any of that. You don't know what the doctrine is, so why are you knocking it.

  5. Excepturalism ??

    1. Yes. The other guy thinks that typos are a sign of ignorance, so I have decided to go with the word. I mean, who would have ever thought gay would come to mean queer or "hook up" would come to mean an unpaid whore sleeping with someone on the first day or just for the hell of it . . . . so "excepturalism" just might catch on.

    2. Yes. Didn't say any of that was bad, did I? I have decided to use "whore" responsible young white women who are secular in nature but suffering under the weight of an over-active libido, at no fault of their own. In other words, "whore" is now a good word.

      You guys have been making up words and changing meanings forever. Its kind of fun.

      Chow-main dude.
