State sponsored Islam continues to abuse its women and gay populations. International Islam with its Shira Law is not compatible with Western Culture . . . . period. So why does Obama continue to frame this religion as morally equivalent to Christianity?

Free Beacon:
Saudi Arabia is making a bid to head the United Nations’ Human Rights Council (HRC) just days after it posted a slew of new job openings for executioners who would help carry out beheadings amid a massive uptick in state-sanctioned killings in the country.
Saudi Arabia, which has come under increasing criticism from human rights groups for an uptick in the number of executions in the country, has been a member of the U.N.’s top human rights body since 2014, along with Russia, China, and Cuba.
It is now making a bid to assume lead control over the HRC after 2016, when the presidency rotates to a new nation.


  1. Post some KKKristian lynchings of black people?

    1. You want me to post pictures that are 65 yrs old and older, black men hung by Southern Democrats? Such is a part of the Democrat Party's past. This is a patriot/GOP blog, not a Democrat blog.

      The beheadings in Islam are taking place in the here and now and the abuse of women and gays continues, at this moment. By contrast, I believe the Dems have stopped hanging black men.

    2. The KKK never identified itself as "democrat" ... always as "Christian"

    3. You deny that the KKK was 100% Democrat? You deny that the Democrat South was defeated by a Christian army from the North? Try to keep up, pleeeeeeeeeese.
