More reasons why Hillary and the Dems may be sadly surprised in 2016.

Since Obama took office, U.S. real GDP has performed as follows: -2 percent in 2009, 2.5 percent in 2010, 1.6 percent in 2011, 2.3 percent in 2012, 2.2 percent in 2013, and 2.4 percent in 2014. That averages to an amazingly low 1.5 percent real growth for his presidency.

While Hillary is busy telling folks that "the deck is still stacked against the Middle Class,"  she is going have to own Obama's failed policies as to Middle Class prosperity.  To wit:  lower hourly wages, a shorter workweek due to ObamaCare,  $5000 less wealth per family than before Obama,  or,  his "summer of recovery  (2010),"  and the smallest workforce in 34 years.  

In 2016, she will be forced to sleep with the Greenies and the $270 billion paid out in Green subsidies in 2014  (compared to a mere $37 billion in fossil fuel subsidies for the same year).  

The Dems believe they have finally found the presidential formula that will work in each every election:  Ignore the blue collar voters;  preach class warfare against the "rich;"  try to reel in the immigrant vote,  and,  in essence,  pit a minority-majority against hard working Americans who pay 80% of all taxes and supply 75% of all jobs to "migrant America."  

Well,  that seemed to work for Obama,  but,  sooner or later,  the Dems will come down to earth,  and,  when they do,  they are not going to like what they see.  Hillary is no Barack Obama and "formulas" without electable personalities does not win elections,  as a rule.  

Me?  Oh,  I am looking forward to 2016. 

While the nation is equally divided as to "libs versus conservatives,"  there is a 20% "middle ground" who are not affiliated with a political party.  More than this,  there is the issue of turn-out.  Both set of numbers may prove to be highly problematic for Hillary.  The black voter is not in love with Hillary,  and the Hispanics know they were lied to by the Obama Administration (I will have comprehensive immigration done by the end of my first year in office   . . . .   he didn't even try).  A difference in the "enthusiasm level" of the 2016 election cycle is what will make the biggest difference as to election results. 

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