In a recent interview at MSNBC, Obama made it clear that his policy per immigration takes priority over the law.

Understand that,  as of this past February,  Obama's immigration order,  was put on hold,  because he lied to a federal judge.  And, thus,  we have the question from a fellow anarchist at MSNBC.  

Obama makes it clear that his policy is far more important than the law.  And,  in making this proclamation, he conflates military orders with his orders to Border Patrol.  

If course,  to the liberal mind,  without the ability to think critically about what is being said  (as long as it sounds good), they forget that  a military commander is not allowed to issue orders that are in violation of the law and its Constitutional principles.  Border policy is already written.  It is Obama who has determined that he does not like those legislative decisions,  and has decided to act on his own.  His orders to Border Patrol are documented to be in violation of established law,  a fact about 40% of our population accepts as sound leadership.   

In this video discussion,  Obama charges that policy is more important than law when that policy,  counters the law.  

The point of this post?  Just a reminder of what so many already know:  that Obama is an anarchist, and is using the principles outlined in the reformer's bible,  Rules for Radicals.  You can probably order this book from Amazon,  for pennies.  You should own this book because it is the guide for Progressive community organizers such as H Obama, and to a lesser extent,  Mrs. Clinton.

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